You Broke My Heart

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The truth is, you broke my heart, I really loved you, I did, but you tore me apart, you left suddenly without a word and we were apart, now you come back acting brand new, want to be a part of my life, no boo you're a part of me I let go of years ago and you're that part of me I want to stay away from forever because when I came to terms with that you didn't care, to me I buried you, now you're a part of the dead and I can never bring you back to life, you are there, but you will be none existent. Continue living like you did when you left me, like you did when you still lived in my heart hurting me and continue living like I don't exist the same way you died eventually in my heart and freed my soul, you're poison and I will never go back to what hurt me. I have the knowledge but I no longer feel anything therefore I don't need you anymore and I just want you so go away oh and Thank you for setting me free.

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