Chapter 9

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I couldn't sleep very well last night because I napped yesterday. You would think your brain would want more sleep but no instead you start thinking about weird shit and then it's 3 o'clock and you're still awake.

I walked into first period and put my head down on my desk.

"Mrs. Larsen! Mrs. Smith yelled. No sleeping in my class!"

I sighed and leaned back into my seat. "Thank you" She continued.

I turned to see both Riley and Daniel looking at me. I moved my gaze back to the teacher and dozed off again into a daydream.

I'm sorry Makenna! You've been nothing but a good friend and i've been a really bad one. Please be my friend again! I miss you and I was wrong about Ben!

My phone buzzed in my pocket drifting me away from my thoughts.

Daniel: you thinking about me princess?

I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

Me: nope.

Daniel: aye a guys gonna wonder.

I left him on read. He doesn't like me... After all that stupid shit he did to me? No way! He's a playboy.

*6th period*

Singing makes me happy so that's why I love choir. Today though I'm so tired I'd rather just go to bed then do anything.

Alyssa tried to keep me energized through out the day but it didn't work to well. She made me do exercises that actually tired me out more and then made me drink coffee before 6th period.

If you have ever drank coffee before you sing you know how hard it is. It makes your throat all sticky and your singing flaps just voice crack all the time. That's how this class was going for me.

Finally the class ended and I could go home now. "Bye" I waved to Alyssa and she waved back.

I walked into the crowded hallway and as usual Riley's by Ben. As I walked past them though Daniel grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Ugh what is it? I just want to go home" I groaned.

"Geez I was just letting you know that I'm coming over today" He said still holding my arm.

"Okay" I said awkwardly waiting for him to let go.

He smirked and walked back to Ben. Confused I just left the building without another word to my car.

When I got home I ran up to my room and started sleeping.


*knock* *knock* *ding* *dong*
I lazily got up and went down the stairs with my blanket on my back.

I opened my door to see Daniel standing there looking at me. My eyes got wide "oh shit what time is it?" I asked.

"6:02" He said looking at his phone.

"Oops sorry I forgot to set an alarm to wake me up" I yawned.

"It's ok. Can I come in?" He asked awkwardly.

"Oh yeah! Sorry I'll be back In a sec just gotta clean up a little" I said opening the door for him.

I ran up the stairs to my room and brushed my hair and teeth. Then while I was making my bed I heard my door open.

I looked and saw no one there so I called out Daniel's name. "Daniel?!" I asked walking towards my door.

I slowly made my way to the door then all of the sudden I saw a figure jump at me. "Boo!" Daniel yelled.

I jumped like a cat and screamed. "Daniel! What the hell!" I yelled at him hyperventilating a little.

"Haha I got you so good!" He laughed.

"That's not cool" I said sending him a glare.

"Awe I'm sorry did I make you mad princess?" He said walking towards me.

I turned around trying to keep my frustration to a human level and sighed.

"Don't do it again" I said turning back around. He was so close to me and our eyes locked.

I took a step back and then he took a step, until my back hit the wall.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to keep a straight face.

His mouth curved a little and he got closer. "You're cute when you're desperate" He whispered, leaning away and smirking at me.

"Excuse me! I'm not desperate! You're j-just being weird!" I stuttered.

"So we gonna write a song or what?" he said sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"We got to get to know each other first" I said crossing my arms.

"Trust me I think I know you pretty well. Well I guess not everything" He said smirking.

"Gross and no I know you pretty well! You're the guy who likes to ruin people's lives when you're bored" I sassed.

"When did I ruin your life?" He asked with confusion and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Never mind" I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room.

Heyo if you liked this chapter please comment and vote! And as always I love you! Bye lovelies!

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