Chapter 7

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"What the hell is your problem?" I asked.

She looked over at me and stood up. "My problem!?"

"Yeah" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh please as if you don't know!" She seethed and looked at Alyssa.

"Um I'm sorry what did Alyssa do to you to make you act like a bitch!?" I asked.

"Excuse me! I'm your best friend! She's not and you're just letting her take you away from me! Oh and don't say she hasn't because of all those stupid hugs and linking arms and what do I get!? Oh how are you Riley? How's your night been? Well it's been fucking great without you because all I need is Ben! Ben's a better friend then you are and you can just fucking live happily ever after with this bitch" She said pointing at Alyssa.

"Is she drunk? I asked Looking at Ben. Because you fucking better be! I've been a great friend to you these past days and you've treated me like shit! So if I'm not 'checking up on you enough' or I'm not giving you the 'friendship that you need' then I'll just fucking stop being your friend if that's what you really want!" I said walking away with Alyssa.

I heard her walk up behind me but as I turn around she pushed both me and Alyssa in the pool.

As I come back up to the surface I check to see if Alyssa's okay.

"Alyssa you good?" I ask.

"Yeah" She sighs.

I swim out of the pool and grab towels for me and Alyssa. Riley looks at me with a shocked expression of what she just did and starts walking towards me.


"STOP! JUST STOP! WE'RE DONE!" I said with tears in my eyes walking away from her.

"I'm gonna go tell my brother were leaving" Alyssa said.

"Okay" I said walking towards the door.

"Makenna?" I turned around to see Daniel standing there.

"What?" I ask as sobs start to take over me. He comes over to me and hugs me and I try to push him away "stop im not gonna deal with you too tonight" I said.

He stepped back and chuckled "it was a fucking dare anyways" He said pissed walking away.

"Damn sorry" I said rolling my eyes.

Alyssa came back and hugged me. "Let's go" She said and wrapped an arm around me.

"Alyssa wait!" Someone said and we both turned around.

"Oh what is it Luke?" She asked. Luke had blonde hair and blue eyes. He got more muscular and cute since the last time I saw him.

"You guys sure you don't need a ride because if you drank then I'll happily drive you" He said looking at me.

"No none of us drank but thanks for the offer" I said meeting his eyes.

He smiled and nodded. "Alright well drive safe"

"We will" I said turning around.

"And Makenna" He said and I turned around. "It's nice to see you, and you're still so beautiful" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I chuckled "are you sure you don't need a ride? It's nice to see you too but I think you're drunk"

"Nope I'm perfectly sober" He said chuckling and walked away.


*Monday Morning*

I dread walking into first period to see everyone. As I walked in everyone's eyes we're on me. Ok wtf are they staring at? Yes i'm the girl who got pushed in a pool! Whoopdidoo!
Riley did call me a couple times but I ignored them.

I took my seat and hoped everyone would stop staring.

"Okay class today I'm gonna put you into partners for a new project were doing. This year you and your partner are gonna make a song about your relationship with each other and then at the end of the semester I'm going to have you sing it in front of the class" She said smiling.

I'm interested in this assignment, if I get paired with Riley we can make a song about bad friends. Maybe I'll get started right now! I waited for my name to be called out and then I was disappointed when it did.

"Makenna and Daniel". I looked over at Daniel and he was smirking at me. No no no no no no no no please no.

"Alright go sit with your partners" Mrs. Smith said.

I didn't move a muscle. I didn't want to either, I don't even want to breathe.

"Omg Mrs. Smith hates meeee" I whispered.

"Hey partner you ready to write a song?" Daniel grinned.

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm not writing a song with you!" I complained.

"Newsflash princess any girl would love to partner with me" He Sassed.

"Well I'm not every girl and I'll have to do all the work"

"Then you better get started" He sighed putting his feet on the desk.

"Ahaha no" I said shoving his legs away from my desk.

"Hey you know we have to get along now because we'll be with each other the rest of the semester" He stated.

"I don't have to do anything" I Sassed.

"Princess I think we both know that I'm not doing any of the work so..." He smiled.

"Don't call me that"

"What? Princess?" Would you like me to use a different term like honeybuns, baby, mami, sugarlips, cupcake-"

"No just call me by my actual name" I sighed.

"Well where's the fun in that?"

"This isn't meant to be fun it's meant to be torture!"

"Well then it's a good thing I don't follow the rules" He winked.

"Eww stop" I said.

"Or what? You're gonna smack me? Or perhaps kiss me?"

I stopped talking because now I realize that anything I'll say he'll be a smartass about it.

"I bet your thinking about me right now" He smirked.

"Not in a good way" I fake smiled.

"No but you will" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

Is anyone else this sassy? I feel like it's just me sometimes. Well thanks for reading! Love you! Bye lovelies!

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