25: Their note

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"Okay…we'll go out later. Yeobo-ah…do you want to…umm…you know…what mum said here…"

"No." I said sincerely.

"Wae? I want a child…" He pouted.

"But I don't want…yet."

"Yehet! Is that mean yes? We can have a child of our own!" He cheered.

"Yah, pabo, don't be so happy. I didn’t promise you though. The doorbell rang, go and open the door."

"Okay, saranghae~" He said and left after kissed my cheeks.

I chuckled silently and went upstairs.

"Yah yah yah! How can you guys treat me like this?" I heard Chen protested.

"Mianhe, Dae. It's just we need to do it. Well…you know…" I heard Suho. EXO is here?

I quickly went downstairs, wondering what happened. Some of the members are here. The members included Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Sehun, Luhan, Xiumin, and Kai. Chen stomped his way upstairs as I came down.

"Hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"You see, Songhyun. It's we planned that we eleven members stay in Kris’s house, but if we all stay there, then Lin Man-ssi will come here. And we can't let that happened, but Chen wouldn't let them stay here." Suho explained.

"Just let them. I'll talk to him. And guys? Try to be quiet. I'll talk to him."

They nodded while I went upstairs into our room.

"Chen?" I called him. He turned and hugged me.

"Why can't we be alone? I just want to be alone with you…" He whined.

"Chen, Suho said that if they didn’t come here, Lin Man would. You don't want that happen right? Just let them stay, for me, okay? Suho cares about your feelings. He knew that you wouldn't be happy if Lin Man came here. Just let them stay here. It just for a few days, right?"

"Fine, it's only for you." He nodded.

"I'll go and tell them." I said and left the room.

"I'll go with you." He said and grabbed my hands.

"Yehet! I knew it!" Sehun cheered as we went downstairs.

"Yah, be quiet and don't try to bother us." Chen scolded.

"So…how many of you will be staying here?" I asked.

"Five or seven. You guys choose." Suho shrugged.

"Hmm…let’s see…Xiumin can stay, D.O can stay because he can cook, Kai can stay, Sehun and Luhan…think about it first…Baekhyun and Chanyeol can stay so beagle line would be complete. Ugh…fine, seven will stay here. But I miss Lay-ge."

"He's with Kris. I'll be leaving first ya, you seven, keep quiet and behave, especially 92 and maknae line."

"Am I included?" Chen raised his hand.


"I'm not the maknae." Kai said.

"But you're considered as the maknae line." Xiumin pointed out.

"Let’s play yaja time!" Sehun cheered.

"No yaja time." Luhan protested.

"Just sleep, boys. It's late now. Plus, aren’t you guys tired after the flight?"

"Not a bit. We're always hyper!" Baekhyun said.

"Okay…then I'm going to sleep first. Chen, you’ll show the room to them."

"But why it must be me? Can't we do it together?" He pouted.

"Because I said so. Goodnight. I'm going to sleep now. Chen-ah, sleep earlier."

"Ne." He answered then I went upstairs. I changed into my pajamas and laid down in the bed.

The door opened after a while. Chen laid down beside me.

"I thought you were asleep, yeobo."

"I'm not."

"Jaljayo. Saranghae." He said and hugged me.

"Goodnight. Love you too."

"Ani, I love you more than you love me."

"Okay, childish yeobo." I smiled.

"I'm not childish."

"You are. The members said that you're childish."

"Aww…why are you listening to them?"

"You never act childish in front of me. So I knew most of the things such as how you act in front of them from the members."

"Ne…saranghae, yeobo. Jaljayo." He said and kissed my forehead.

"You know…I really want a kid so badly." He said after we remained quiet for a long time. I turned around, not wanting to face him.


"I can't make a kid on my own." He pouted.


"Let’s make a kid."




"Are you asleep?"


"Yah yeobo-ah, saranghae~ are you asleep?"


"I want a kid…"


"Is that means a yes?"

"If you kept on asking, I'll take back."


I could felt him leaned closer and hugged me from the back.


"Nado." I replied.



Hey guys, I got bored here...I'm planning to write on a Chinese fanfic of EXO. Because I seriously only found a few, so I decided to write, for those readers who understand chinese, you can check it out after I posted it! I'll tell you guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Getting Engage With Chen of EXO? (EXO Chen fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin