10: Discharge

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Songhyun's POV

It was already a quarter past six in the morning. Chen said that he'll come by six. I took out my phone and opened LINE. Most of the boys are still online. I need to close the Notification because they're actually just spamming according to what I chatted with them yesterday.

I sat down in the couch, and open my Instagram. Then next I checked my facebook, and the other social network. And last, I checked LINE.

Rich guy Suho $_$: Earth calling EXO!

Baozi Xiumin O^_^O: What the hell?

Rich guy Suho $_$: Nothing...just for fun.

Galaxy Yifan =_=: It should be EXO planet calling EXO...

Prince Luhan #^_^: What the heck EXO-K are online so early?

Cutie Kyungsoo O_O: You too hyung...aren't you sleeping?

Panda Tao @_@: We have schedule!

Kkaebsong Baekhyun ×_×: Us too.

Happy virus Chanyeol ^-_-^: The only one sleeping here is Kai...

Unicorn Lay xP: EXO-M are awake! This is the first time Luhan hyung wake up first!

Yehet Sehun :): Ehhh...hyung? Chen hyung?

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: I'm here.

Cutie Kyungsoo O_O: Boys, it's breakfast time!

Yehet Sehun :): Yehet! Breakfast!

Kkaebsong Baekhyun ×_×: Kkaebsong~~breakfast!

Unicorn Lay xP: Hey Kyungsoo! That's my line! Breakfast!

Panda Tao @_@: Yay!

Me: I haven't eaten...

Baozi Xiumin O_O: Where's Chen Chen?

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: I'm driving! Stop spamming please!

Prince Luhan #^_^: How can you text us when you are driving?!

Galaxy Yifan =_=: That can cause accident you know?

Me: Where are you?

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: Coming~

Kkaebsong Baekhyun ×_×: Aww...that's sweet...

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: Shut up. *Insert death glare*

Cutie Kyungsoo O_O: Can you all stop spamming, put down your phone and start to eat?

Unicorn Lay xP: I agree with that XD

Rich guy Suho $_$: Eat guys.

Panda Tao @_@: Appa! You're finally here again!

Galaxy Yifan =_=: EXO-M except Chen, please put down your phone, start to eat and be ready in 10 minutes. No excuses!

Prince Luhan #^_^: 10 minutes?! That's too short!

Unicorn Lay xP: That's because you haven't start eating!!!

Galaxy Yifan =_=: Tick tock tick tock...the time is running...tick tock tick tock...you have 9 minutes left...

Panda Tao @_@: I'll stop the time...hehehehe...why it can't work?!

Rich guy Suho $_$: Because you actually don't have that power. And EXO-K, you too get ready. Kyungsoo go and wake Kai up. You all have 30 minutes.

Baozi Xiumin O^_^O: Kris! Why they have 30 minutes?!

Galaxy Yifan =_=: Cause we're running out of time~~5 minutes left...

Me: If you guys are running out of time, then why are you still here chatting??!!

Prince Luhan #^_^: I want to offline~~the power of girl~

Galaxy Yifan =_=: Additional time: 30 minutes.

Panda Tao @_@: Thanks God~

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: I'm in hospital.

Me: I'm hungry.

Happy Virus Chanyeol ^-_-^: Hyung! Stop flirting!

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: I'll offline. ×_×. And kill Channie.

The door open and Chen came in. "Annyeong!"


"I'm done with all the procedure. So let's go?"

"Let's go."

We left the hospital and went to a restaurant. It was six thirty now. My first student will go to attend the class by nine o' clock.


I took out my phone.

Rich guy Suho $_$: Hi again guys!

Kkaebsong Baekhyun ×_×: Hi again guys!

Panda Tao @_@: Hi appa and Baek hyung!

Me: Annyeong!

Galaxy Yifan =_=: I need to get use of your childishness...

Kkamjong Kai :P: Annyeong there everyone! LOL~

Unicorn Lay xP: Tsk...Spamming...

Me: I'm not.

Unicorn Lay xP: You are.

Me: I'm still mad.

Unicorn Lay xP: You aren't.

Me: I am.

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: She is.

Yehet Sehun :): I can sense it~~~

Cutie Kyungsoo O_O: Agree with that~~

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: Okay...Songhyun you should start eating now. The foods are here.

Kkaebsong Baekhyun ×_×: Aww...candlelight breakfast?

Baozi Xiumin O^_^O: You betrayed me, Chen! I thought that you will only love me!

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: I won't love you.

Baozi Xiumin O^_^O: Then I'll be with Luhan! Luhannie!!!!!! Where are you???!!!

Yehet Sehun :): Hey hyung! How dare you steal my Luhan when I'm not there??!! Luhan hyung! I'm coming for you!!!

Rich guy Suho $_$: You can't leave Sehunnie. Manager hyung is coming~

Prince Luhan #^_^: Hi guys! I'm back! Did anyone miss me?

Yehet Sehun :): Hyung! How can you flirt with Xiumin hyung when I'm not there with you??!! You don't love me?

Prince Luhan #^_^: Of course I love you Hunnie!

Yehet Sehun :): Then why you betray me????!!!! Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu~

Cutie Kyungsoo O_O: Awww......don't cry Sehunnie~

Prince Luhan #^_^: I never betray you...

Galaxy Yifan =_=: Drama...

Me: Offline~

Chen Chen Troll ^ ^: Me too.

I started to eat as I put down my phone.

"When your first student will come?"

"About nine. I'll be there too."

"Okay. What song you want to teach?"

"I'm not sure...I actually always let them choose. She's 15 right now..."

"15? Well, can I teach her our song?" He asked happily.



"Again...they're spamming~~they'd spammed for two and a half year since we open this group."

I decided to take out my phone and he stopped me.

"Don't use your phone when you're with me."

"Okay." I slipped back my phone into my pocket and continued eating.

Getting Engage With Chen of EXO? (EXO Chen fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz