The reason for my pain

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Hello, my name is Kol Skywalker. Son of Luke and Mara jade-Skywalker. Grandson of Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader. Why do my parents hate me? Someone, please tell me why. My father refuses to train me. As does my pitiful mother as well as my siblings. What little I know I learned myself. Still, I'm angry.
Did I do something to cause them to hate and neglect me? If so tell me. Please tell me so I can fix it. All I've wanted is to hear my father say he's proud of me like my siblings and the other Padawans here. I wanted to be a Jedi. However, they wouldn't let me. I want answers and I want them now.

I am broken out of my thoughts when I hear my "father" and my "aunt" Leia argue.

"Luke why can't you train Kol you know how powerful he is, he has a lot of potential for good".Leia says with a pleading tone.
However, my father replies " That's exactly why I don't train him sister he is powerful, too powerful, so powerful that he could kill us all should he turn to the darkness". Luke states
"Kol has his grandfather's genes in more than just looks but also in strength and anger. I love my son Leia but the galaxy doesn't need another Darth Vader". My father states his voice getting louder
That right there Broke me. I covered my mouth to stop the sounds from escaping my mouth. My tears were cascading down my face like an unending waterfall. The answers I had sought for so long were finally in front of me. I had my guesses it was something like that. But to hear it confirmed? It broke me. He thought I become a monster
like my grandfather. Why? Please tell me. However a dark voice in me, buried within my subconscious said " They fear us becoming a monster, why don't we give them a reason to be afraid". However, I ignored it as I tried and failed to keep my tears at bay. I finally had my answers, but they were exactly what I feared they would be as I wept I felt more alone than ever with no one but the darkness within to comfort me. For the first time in my life, I truly felt alone

Consequence of Neglectजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें