Becoming more like him

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After the satisfaction of making the crystal bleed had passed I was suddenly overcome by a bombardment of pain in my right arm. I looked at it and saw that it was burned, crisp to the bone. Despite feeling pain I looked in the distance and saw what remained of my grandfather's palace. I was honestly shocked that most of it had lasted so long.

I entered the palace and found medical droids there

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I entered the palace and found medical droids there. Despite being powered down for more than 20 years they were still functional. If a bit dusty.

I powered them on and said "My arm has been injured. I require a cybernetic replacement."
The droid replied in a monotone voice "As you wish lord Vader." 
They made me feel a twinge of pride. Being called my grandfather's name. I broke out of my thoughts as the medical droids called my attention to the operating table. As I sat my body on it the droid said "Preparing to administer a sedative."

I interrupted and said "That will be an unnecessary doctor. I wish to bear witness as you attach my new appendage." I replied. The droid obeyed my order.

The pain it caused was unlike any I had ever felt. And that was good. Because my pain became anger and my anger became power.

Within an hour the droid had finished amputating what was unrepairable in my arm before beginning to replace it with cybernetics.
Another hour had passed the droid said "Your injury has been healed, my lord." I looked done at my new arm and was pleased with what I saw.

As I looked and flexed it

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As I looked and flexed it. Noticed that it caused me pain to move. Which strengthened me. I realized that some aspects of my real arm were still there. I also realized that the arm was identical to that of the voices that I saw before. Which meant that what he said was true. Soon we shall both be the same. And I can't wait for the transformation to be complete.

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