Extra!! Vlad's Plan (P.3)

Start from the beginning

After remaining shocked for a whole minute, an evil grin curved by the edge of the man's lips, and with the flashing light illuminating from the television and dark background, one could say he looked like a real villain. As a touch, the white cat was sitting on his lap, completing the typical villain stereotype.

Vlad continued to stare at the screen widely, the grin not disappearing. He was absolutely ecstatic. This was definitely not part of the plan, totally unexpected, but he was glad it went that way. Saved him the trouble from the boy hating him even more. He didn't even have to get out of his chair to complete the mission. He can now finally put himself at ease, one problem was already taken care of.

Daniel just did my job for me, how considerate, the man snickered to himself before getting up and closing the television. That was certainly enough screen time for today. He could now go back to the chess game he was focused on a couple of minutes ago.

But all focus that he had for the game had vanished by the time he sat down, placing the cat on the other side. He was mainly focused on his next plans which were about to happen in a few days or so. He wasn't expecting things to go so smoothly and quickly. After the whole incident where Danny refused to accept the invitation and face the consequences, he was certain that things were going to be way more difficult than he had planned. But it turned out to be the exact opposite.

His plan had to work now, it only seemed reasonable. Now that Danny's whole identity had been revealed, his parents must've rejected him by now. He could now be lurking in the streets for all he knew! That thought urged him to go searching for the younger halfa but he resisted himself, knowing the boy would come out sooner or later anyway. His sister might be with him right now too since she, unfortunately, returned earlier from her trip.

Not only that, but he must also have the GIW hot on his trail right now. He must also be regretting his decision of not coming here sooner. His parents could be hunting him now too! And his fans could also be bombarding him right now too! Vlad knew for sure the boy was miserable.

"It's only a matter of time, Daniel, before you come running here to me like the pawn you are," he mumbled to himself as he moved his bishop in a diagonal direction, knocking out a white pawn.

"And when you do," he continued, before grinning and using his queen to block the other path of the recipient. "That would be checkmate for you."

Two weeks have passed by and Vlad had yet to receive news about the younger halfa. For the first couple of days, Vlad didn't put much thought into it. Danny must be overthinking about the possible choice and didn't want to face his arch-enemy yet. And Vlad was fine with that. He didn't care as long as he showed up at the end.

However, his thoughts were soon crushed after a week with no call or a sign of arrival. He was expecting the boy to show up earlier, he even prepared things in advance and was in a happier mood than usual. He didn't know what was taking Danny for so long. Did he still require more thinking? Or was he just stubborn?

Vlad waited and waited, hoping to receive some sort of acceptance of him coming. But unfortunately for Vlad, the boy never showed up. He was even starting to have doubts. Did something happen to change his plans? Were his friends involved in this again? Or perhaps his sister? She seemed to have a big role in his life.

When two weeks rolled by, Vlad was done. That was a lot of time to think and something must've happened to prevent Danny from coming, whatever it was. But he would make sure to have him here, and later, his mom. After all, the boy must've lost hope already and it would be the perfect time to make another jab.

He first decided to send his vultures to investigate the current situation in the Fenton's home. Although he was sure those useless cultures will also fail at this job too, he didn't have a choice. He was very busy these days with his business work since he was a mayor, and he didn't seem to have much time to do anything. But of course, he could always send duplicates of himself, but that still required lots of energy and he already had used some of his energy to fly to the ghost zone and collect another ghost antique. The journey wasn't pleasant, by the way.

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