A Terrible Kidnap

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Creaking filled Sapphires ears. It went on and on, relentless as she kept her eyes closed still in a state of light slumber. Her head was thumping all over. She could feel it behind her eyes, on her forehead and right at the top of her head. The pain itself was slowly rousing her awake. It wasn't just the pain though. It was a mixture of things. It was the ocean scented air, the cold crisp air that brought goosebumps up onto her arms and also the fact that she was currently swaying from left to right. 

Sapphires eyelids slowly crack open. Darkness surrounds her with no sliver of light. Sight alone won't give her the answers she currently seeks. Sapphire would have to get up and investigate. Her legs shake as she brings herself up, causing her to fall ungracefully to the floor with a grunt.  Franticly she grasps up at the surface she had just been lying on. Only to grab at thin material that could be compared to a potato sack. The only thing that made sense would be that she had been asleep on a hammock. In her experience she had sleep on more comfortable things. Nothing was making sense. The swaying continued even with her off of the hammock. It made the task of getting to her feet a difficult one. Her hands grasped at the hammock and at the wall closest to her. The support was enough to get her shakily on her feet. Panic was beginning to settle into Sapphire.  Her head was a muddled mess of pain and fogginess. 

After a few minutes of feeling her way along the was her hands finally clasp around a door handle. Her breathing was beginning to go uneven as her mind started to worry about everything going on. Her main three questions were; Where was she? Why was she here? And lastly, who had put her here? What made it even worse that she was alone. Where was Jake when she needed his annoying self? 

The door clicks open and does not make a sound as she slowly slides herself out of the room. All of Sapphires senses are on alert instantly as she looks left to right. Not a person in sight and all she can hear is the relentless creaking. All around Sapphire is white wall with little decoration. Door after door lines the walls along the obscenely long corridor. It made her nervous. If someone came around the corner she would have nowhere to hide. Expect from darting into the nearest room. Pushing all near death thoughts aside. Sapphire pushes ahead and begins quietly walking down the corridor. She was weaponless and that just made her even more on edge. All she had on her was her camp half blood shirt and her shorts. Neither could do much to protect her from being attacked. 

The white corridor would not end. It just went on and on. Twisting this way and that way. Every room she checked was vacant. Save for a bed and ensuite. It was like she was wandering around a large hotel. Except this hotel was currently swaying and creaking. The white walls reminded Sapphire of a hospital. This place however, was no hospital. There were no signs of any doctors, nurses or patients. The rooms also held no medical equipment. What was confusing Sapphire was the constant smell of the ocean. No matter how far along she got in this white maze the smell lingered. Almost as though it was encouraging Sapphire to keep going. Keeping her strong and focused. 

"Why can't you just admit it?" Someone grumbles loud enough to warn Sapphire to dart to safety. She grabs the handle of the nearest door and slips into the room. Her ear is instantly on the door, listening in. Her hand clamps over her mouth and nose in an attempt to quiet her breathing. 

"Admit what exactly?" Another voice mutters back. Sounding slightly annoyed. 

"You saw how she looked at me. I looked at her three times and each time she was eyeing me up" Their voices get closer and closer to Sapphires door. 

"I saw nothing. Except that you were the one eyeing her up. She was probably just creeped out" Their steps halt just outside the door. Casting a shadow by Sapphires shoes. 

"You're just jealous. I have a better bone structure than you and you know it"  Their voices go quiet for a split second. 

"Bone structure?" 

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