Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes and looked around and saw my phone ringing, it's 4:00 in the morning, who calls this early?

Up picked up my phone and saw a blocked number, I just declined it and went back to sleep.


My phone rang again, I just picked it up, and it was silent dead on the other line.

"Hello?" I asked, half asleep

"Hey baby, did you miss me?" he asked

"Mason?" I asked as my eyes widened

Mason my ex-abusive boyfriend, he almost hurt that much that I almost bled to death.

"I guess you remember, watch out baby girl, I know where you're going, and I will get you my love" he said in his husky voice.

"Stop....please" I whispered, I forgot that MATT was right next to me.

"And why would I want to do that?" he asked with a cocky voice.

"Because I don't want to you to ruin my life again" I whispered, as a tear drop fell down my cheek

"Well baby, we'll just see, if you want to stay safe, then you have to listen to what I say" he said with smirk in his voice

"Deal" I whispered, it's the only way to stay safe

"Ok, we'll have a goodnight sleep, and I'll give you the things you have to do, remember if you don't do it, you will be in pain" he said then hung up.


I opened my eyes and looked around to find myself on a empty bed.

I went and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to see Matt setting the food on the counter.

"Awww Matt" I said in awe

"My beautiful princess has been awake from her beauty sleep" he said as he gave me a hug.

Once we finished eating, Cameron came into the kitchen

"Hey Cam, why all dressed up?" I asked

Hey Matt and Veronica, well I'm getting ready to go to this event called 'Magcon' and I leave at 12 I'm gonig to L.A (ik that's not where they went first)" he said while making waffles.

"Are you serious?, cause Matthew and I are going also, but our plane leaves at 10" I yelled in excitement.

"Cool, well get ready cause it's 8" he said.

I was just about to get ready, when my phone dinged.

It read

"Hey baby girl, I will give you your first task, later on today so keep your phone with you" it read.

Oh lord


Once we were settled in the plane, I looked around and saw Matthew, on the other side of me in a different row

Yes, we were separated

People were getting all settled in, I saw that a pretty blonde around our age was sitting by Matt, a paid of jelousy hit me.

It's not like she's gonna do anything anyways

Next thing I know is that a tall dirty blonde boy sits next to me, he looks around our age

Once the plane was in the air, Matt and the 'blonde' (not being mean) were in an intense conversation, fine I can talk to this guy too

Wow I'm jelouse alright

"Hey, I'm Veronica" I said while giving him a warm smile

"Hey Veronica, I'm Collin, nice to meet you" he said smiling back

"How old are you?......Im 16" I said.

"I'm 18" he said

"Cool" I said while he asked more questions.

After about 30 minutes of chatting with Collin, I went to sleep

When I woke up, I looked around everyone was asleep, except for.......Matt and the girl

They were still fucking talking


Once we got to LA, everyone was getting settled in a hotel.

"Hey babe, I have to tell you something" he said smirking

"Same here" I said while looking down


"Hold on" he said, while texting someone back

"K" I said while my phone buzzed also

It read

'First task: break up with your boyfriend'


"Matt?, please don't get mad at me" I said slowly.

"Ok?" he said while still texting.

"Matt.......Matt I'm breaking up with you" I said in tears.

He froze

"Why?" he asked all sad

"I don't this is working out with me" I said

"V, sorry I will spend more time with you, in sorry what I did" he said while hugging me tightly tearing up.

"No Matt...shhh you didn't do anything, it's me not you" I said while crying

He wiped the tear off my cheek

"I can' have to stay with me" Matt said sobbing, I can't take this anymore, it's for his own good.

"Matt I'm sorry I hope we can be friends still?" I asked, he didn't answer

"I thought were gonna stay forever, but I thought wrong, your just a fucking idiot, get out of my room now!" he yelled.

"Matt please I'm doing this for your own good...please listen" I begged

"OUT" he yelled

I knocked on the next door, while getting my bag, and going to Nash's I think room

He opened up and let me in

I explained everything, except for the task messages and everything.

He just hugged me and went hung out.


"Ok since all the guys are here, we can introduce ourselves and have fun" Nash said.

They all agreed

Everyone was here..even Matt

I got to know a lot of guys like The Jacks,Cameron and Nash of course, Carter, Shawn, Aaron, Hayes, Mahogany and so on.

Now it was my turn to introduce myself

"Well my name is Veronica Dallas, Cams sis, I'm 16, I live in Texas, and I guess that's it" I said while everyone was staring at me.

"Cool" they all said sync.

"Well we better get going, we all have a big day tomorrow" Aaron said.

I was getting my stuff from Nashs room, cause I'm staying in Mahoganys room.

I changed and everything, and went to bed, this is gonna be hard but he have to try and stay strong.


Bad Boy (Matthew Espinosa)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin