10) - Not Fun to be Naked

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"Not too skinny, not very long hair, the skin tone an acute pale. -We don't get a lot of that around here." he said sarcastically, "Nice calves, and the collarbone should be easy to work with..." said Bronzean as he kept rambling on about how to craft the perfect dress for my body. I wondered he rambled in English, probably for me to hear his assessment, but I hadn't really cared all that much.

I had been standing here for about fifteen minutes,  Suise Bronzean- I mean Bronzean as he corrected, to call him Suise would be too formal, it was a form of 'Mister'- examined me. We'd traveled for most of the afternoon, which I'd gladly slept through, and now I wasn't bothered just standing here letting this random being tell me exactly how his dress shall be made. 

Mr. Potertan was a paled skin man with a French mustache, along with his cliche French apparel. Really I thought his black and white stripped shirt, red scarf, and black ankle length pants, along with his french hat were outdated and out of style but he claimed,"It is coming back up top and down here too." 

He continued babbling, and I took the chance to look at the inside of the Hershey kiss shaped, building, that we entered just a few minutes before. Inside mostly looked like a hair salon, and a fashion designing building had a baby. There were manikins, wigs, clothing designs, and hair products strewn all over the place- Or at least they would be, because it looked like he purposely shoved everything to the back to clear space for me.

Hence why I just stood in the middle of the wooden floor, patiently waiting for Bronzaen to allow me to sit. I felt a cold wind rush past my whole body, and my warmth leave, as fabric rubbed across my body and I spun out of control. My whole body shivered, and I let a squeal of surprise slip out of my mouth. I felt a giant wind all over my body. My pink robe had been ripped off of me! Without the robe I was completely and utterly, naked. I quickly used my hands, arms, and legs to cover my top and bottom parts.

On the other side of the room I heard Clowlsly and Mavren openly chuckling in their seats. I looked around realizing supernatural being or not- they probably didn't rip off my robe from all the way across room. The only other person in the room was Bronzaen.

"No, no, no, no." Bronzaen said while shaking his head every time he said no. I noticed he was standing opposite of the girls with an annoyed an disapproving look. My cheeks, filled with the slight familiar electricity meaning I was blushing, and it was splotching all over my face.

"You must move your arms out of the way for proper measurement." Bronzaen said to me, walking closer. I stayed silent, and stared at him, frozen like an ice sculpture. Mavren and Clowlsly filled the air with laughter, as Bronzean looked annoyed and exhausted.

"Al-Falemen Unn Din Tue Genilmeich Al'rten Parlen Aau Eer?" Bronzaen said exiting the wide room, exasperated. I wanted to stand my ground, but eventually I felt immature not letting the man work. Still it was wrong of him, to just rip the robe off me.

"Miranda, Bronzaen is a professional. Let him do his job, besides there is nothing you have that he wants." she said, trying to keep a smile in. Mavren laughed, like it was some private joke. Who knew fairies had jokes?

"What do you mean?" I asked, slowly loosening the grip on my body.

"He is not into your kind." she said lightly, but those words felt offensive.

"My kind?" I repeated with venom, "What's my kind? Human? Normal?" 

The two seemed to be shocked by my reaction, and Clowlsly took a literal step back before answering me. As if my question had knocked her off balance, and something changed in her eyes, that I couldn't comprehend.

"Well yes, but not wrongly so. The answer is no, it is- Yes but no, maybe?" Clowlsly seemed to have her mind rattled by my offense. 

"You're babbling again." I said without venom this time.

Clowlsly sighed, and seemed to go back to her old peppy self, "Babbling is natural for me, never mind my earlier comment. We need you to work with Bronzaen."

I let go of my stubborn attitude, and removed my hands, so Bronzaen could continue his work.

      The night continued with Bronzaen tucked away into some private room to work on the dress, while Clowlsly and Mavren worked on my hair. Then took down the complicated braids Ms. Lue had put in the previous night.I already knew what that result was going to be, as I guessed the girls motives'- to curl my hair. I picked up a nearby brush and began brushing my chest-length auburn hair. 

I had a lot of experience with people trying to curl my hair, my mom, hair professionals, and now fairies. Nothing worked, my mom once held my hair around a curling wand for twenty straight minutes, and nothing, my hair didn't burn- and it didn't curl either. It just fell around my shoulders, completely straight. My chest ached, upon thinking of my mom. I felt homesick, and I worried about, my family and friends. Probably tearing themselves apart, looking for me. I sighed, and held a straight face. After this, one more day, and maybe-just maybe. I'd go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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