4) - Putting My Foot Down

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 Right in the middle of my pity party, my body lurched straight downward on to the hard wood. I guess, we've landed. "Okay time to get out, we have three days to get this done, and this is the first stop." the one with red hair said as we landed. She peered down at me and offered me her hand. And so, why not take it? What's my choice? Fight off against robot, cult, ninja's? Yeah, right. I took her hand, and it was so rough and calloused I wondered if it was from all the human trafficking she did.

Once I landed on my feet, I immediately remembered I still wasn't wearing any shoes. Also, the grass under my little toes was movie-grass soft. Almost like a blanket, and maybe-yeah I'm dreaming, I guess, because in the distance I see a completely pink field of crops. I wonder what they are growing, some drugs is my guess. But I really think I wanna know the truth. Almost as much as I wanna know who, or more specifically what-was making that annoying movie theater last slurp noise. Seriously so annoying, what jerk would interrupt a movie like that? Neither of the girls had soda's, so I could only blame the sound coming from the carved wood. Which I now am noticing is huge! Like chariot sized, and where there is a chariot there is a noble steed. I crept closer to the sound, which now kind of sounded like the wet, slurping of jell-o. But to my surprise, there were many miniature animals I'd never seen before in my life! They were mutated, but perfectly. They kind of looked like dog sized deer, except they were green, and their antlers were hollow, and it looked like pink lemonade was peacefully gushing out of the antlers. Like a waterfall. It was kind of beautiful and majestic, especially when you noticed the designs on their little paws, that reached all the way up to their furry necks and winded around their tiny, little snouts. Oh, these little animals were adorable! Even, if they sound like they are slurping fresh jell-o. Too bad they were just leading this sleigh-chariot thing. I wish they could be free! But they didn't seem to mind their ties.

I ripped my eyes from the beautiful, adorable little creatures and gave a second glance to my captors. Who let me tell you are a lot taller than I thought they'd be! Well, at least the red haired one was, I swear she's like over six feet, almost my Dad's height! These guys must be models, because Autre definitely had more fashion than Tyra Banks! I don't know if it was the skirt that had so many layers it looked like the ocean rippling, with enchanting ruby red jewels attached to the end, or the mock police top she wore, with blue feathers, coming down from shoulder pads. Or maybe it was the fact that she pulled it all off, and it didn't even look stupid. She looked awesome! And they looked so young, like me. Seventeen.

Beyond these girls was a beautiful towering piece of nature. I think it used to be a stone building, before trees winded around and made the most beautiful, piece of-well something dome shaped. Gosh why does everything have to be so beautiful when I'm getting kidnapped?

"It's a little beautiful right?" Autre popped up behind me like the silent cult, ninja, robot she is and nearly scared a toot out of me!

"Ah!" I scream, clever right?

"Sorry, I tend to scare others like that. I have not properly introduced myself, I am Mavren." she said in some deep foreign accent.

"That's it? No last name?"

"Is it important?"

"I'm not sure."

"This place is so beautiful." she said changing the subject.

"Honestly, yeah." I agreed.

I glanced up at her, her dark blue eyes flickered with delight, and her red lips curved into a wide smile. "I agree, but it is in the middle of no where." she laughed at her own observation. And I looked around again and saw what she was seeing. Barren farm land, and this one building, suddenly her friendly was feeling a little murder-y. I kinda wanted to escape into the shade of the breath taking building, not because I had a death wish or anything, but because suddenly the sun just beamed down like ten degrees higher.

"Wow, it is very hot! We should get inside soon." Clowlsly said taking shelter in the shade from the sun's evil rays. I stood for awhile, as thoughts began floating in my head. Why should I go inside? Can I trust these people? Where am I? How do I escape? Where do I go if I escape? What kind of conditioner do they use? Can I buy some? Okay, the last thoughts were kinda out there but a thought's a thought.

"I am not going inside. I don't even know who you are, or where I am, or how I got here! And I am not stepping one foot into that building, until you tell me what's going on." my voice ended kind of hopeless, but I think I got my point across. Mostly because, I wasn't forced to go into the building, I mean not right away. They answered my questions at least, but let me tell you. It's nothing I ever thought it would, or could be.


"This story is.."

"Adventurous and brilliant?"


"You're no fun!"

"Life is not fun, this is not fun I am tired I want out!"

"Everyone wants out! But we all know it's how we got in that matters. Would you have changed your actions, if you could?"


"Then calm down, stop complaining. Don't let the guards hear you, okay? Just read."

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