1) - The Beginning of My New Horrible Life

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"So you're probably wondering why you are reading this story right? Like is it interesting, is there love, romance, fighting, heart, or just really mediocre writing? Well you're reading this story because as I am now locked in a dungeon, where it's cold and the best food I get is stale bread I feel like you should really consider reading my story before doing that stupid thing you plan on."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll make the same mistake I did. I can promise you that."

"Then I'll read."

"I guess you will then."

"And what if it doesn't help? What if this has nothing to do with me?"

"I guess you'll just have to read to find out then."


 Oh my God what is that! Oops sorry God, y'know the whole vain in name thing I'm working on it, really. But seriously, what time is it? Oh my goodness, see I'm getting better, I can't tell if that knocking is in my head or is a baseball bat against my door. It really only gets louder, this is by far the worst reason to have an alarm clock! I swear if that's my brother's new alarm clock! Is seriously no one gonna turn that pounding off? "Just turn it off already!" my voice is much weaker in the morning than usual, so I am a hundred percent sure I only muffled and groaned in my pillow. I studied for finals till exactly 3:36am last night! Seriously the least anyone could do is stop that freaking sound! 

     Silence? Is that the sweet release of death or sleep? I think it stopped, for there truly is a God! Wait. No. It's still going on are you kidding me! There's no way I'm getting out of bed right now. Come on, God? Please? No? Fine. The carpet floor feels scratchy on my bare feet, and I almost fall down on my weak legs, but I make it to at least my door frame. Ew, I have morning breath. Actually good, I'll just melt the sound with my breath. Yeah, no wait that's not how sound works. Geez, I need some coffee and Netflix. I follow the sound, and I think I find the culprit finally! This nefarious demon! This heartbreaking creature. This monster of the peace, say hello to the Avenger of Sleep! I feel around my surroundings and it's just the front door. 

     Like everything in this Godforsaken time of night, the doorknob is as cold as ice. One grip, one twist, and two unlocks. Huh, strange. Nothing out here, how could my ears have led me wrong? I search the hall and there's no one outside 34B. Oh great. So now, I'm out of bed for nothing?  The early bird gets fresh breakfast. Yeah it does, I agree with my mom's number one saying about mornings. Whatever, I like pancakes. Ooh, I get to make blueberry now. And annoying, little Andrew doesn't get a say in breakfast today. 

     My body is totally strung out from whatever weird position I slept in. How much does a chiropractor cost again? Wait, why am I still standing out here, have I had that whole conversation in my head just now just standing out here in the hall? Sleep'll do that to you I guess. The hall way doesn't seem so safe and comfy the more I stand out here. The hairs on the back of my neck just all woke up to say hello, and my gut was really moaning to tell me to get out now. But maybe my sleepy brain just didn't get the clue to wake up yet, because a warm, tight wrist wraps over mine in an instant and suddenly I'm falling. I'm falling like really slowly, because the pain on my head, no-my skull, is just too much for me to bare in this one instant. Did I even scream? 


"She has really pretty hair y'know? This one, so bright, and like fire!" a tiny voice says above me. I haven't opened my eyes yet because it's probably the nurse talking over my concussed body to my mother. And Andrew, ooh, I bet today we had banana pancakes just because I didn't get a chance to make delicious blueberry. 

"It's messy, how is that pretty? It's knotted and wavy." another voice is conversing about my hair. I mean seriously is that the main priority? Probably chatty nurses. I should probably tell one of them this bed feels like hard floor, but the hospital room weirdly smells like fresh cut grass and it's seriously distracting me right now. That's uber weird, and really not normal. I feel like I should open my eyes now, but the smell is kind of amazing. I just wanna enjoy this before the doctor tells me I'm gonna die in like 3 days because my head injuries are too severe, and they've done all they could for me. "You know this one smells a little too." the same voice criticizes me again. 

"Okay well she is handpicked, chosen. So obviously she isn't always like this. I wonder what her eyes look like." the tiny voice speaks again. I should really give these nurses nicknames, Tiny and Autre. Autre's french for other, because she's a lot judgier and maybe she shouldn't get a cool nickname. Just sayin'.

"Forget about her eyes! Let's just get her in the basdrive." Autre demanded.

"Right away Capitatan!"

     Woah wait, what is a basdrive? Some type of new medical equipment? Oh my gosh, I'm in a coma and they are gonna put my brain in a hard drive! I can't believe this! My life has gone from normal to permanently changed forever! And I didn't even drink and drive! Is that why I've been smelling fresh cut grass? Have I gone though some kind of traumatic, life-altering experience? I'm sure if I can just move apart of my body they'll know I'm still me! I can still live my life! Okay toes, now it's time for you to twitch! One and two, and three, four, and five. All my toes work! That was surprisingly easy. Wait a minute, why would I be in a coma? This makes my nose itch, what the? Did my hand just scratch my nose? Well so I'm not comatose then. That was a waste of energy. 

     Speaking of a waste of energy, lucky for me I don't even have to do anything. These nurses are moving me to the basdrive, and well who am I to stop them from lifting me up? Wow, it's nice to be carried, even if it is by some strange, small, warm hands. Kinda like the ones that grabbed me right before the world went dark. Oh, I'm dumb. These probably aren't nurses who stopped by for a surprise visit. I think, I mean I have this vague idea, I've been kidnapped. I want to open my eyes and ask, I might have even, but then the little hands dropped me like a sac of potatoes. "Hey! Put her down!" Autre yells out. I'm kinda hoping a rescue team just found me and tossed Tiny like a feather, and that's who Autre was yelling at. But really, that's just too optimistic of thinking. "Don't touch her, she might have a transmittable disease." Autre says in disgust. Excuse her! What exactly is she trying to imply? What I've got is not transmittable, and I don't have anything either! 

"Oh, you're probably correct then Capitatan." Tiny responds, and this time I think I'm floating in the air! It's probably just a stretcher though. Then I land hard again on bumpy, yet smooth wood. Confusing. So now I'm in this "basdrive" and I'm pretty sure my parents, or family, or friends don't know where I am. And that's a problem, like a big problem! Suddenly, I miss the voices of Autre and Tiny, cause now I feel all alone. I'm all alone. Scared and alone.


"This is ridiculous."

"Is it?"

"Yeah. Why not scream for help?"

"And what, get in more trouble? Besides it wouldn't have been a book if she screamed."

"A long book."

"Then shut it and read it, there's more y'know?"

"I get it, I got it. I'm reading okay?"

"Good then, keep reading."

"Hey. I'm sorry for all this by the way."

"Bygones. And by the way, screaming isn't so easy when you are frozen in fear."

"I know,"

"Do you?"

-Author's Note-

Gee, you read this? Thanks! And by the way I don't own any of the pictures used in this story.

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