3) - Mavren

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     Now was my chance, they were just starring at me, unblinkingly, creepy. "Uhm-uh-Hi-Or-hello-uh-  Where are you taking me?" I stuttered like a complete idiot, so much for any confidence. If they'd say anything, react, even blink, I'd feel a lot better, or more comfortable at least. Maybe they didn't here me, in all that wind. "Uhm, maybe you didn't hear me. I was wondering if you could tell me-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because the ever-reflective, glowing one just ninja jumped in the air and landed in my little wooden cove, while the other one acted like it was nothing!

     I could see the glowing one a lot better in the wood, now that she wasn't mirroring the bright sun. And I could easily see why she used to be so bright! She's paler than the moon! A perfect reflection in her sky colored eyes too! And geez, she wasn't even a blonde, she was one of those cool girls with white hair, and she looked good with it! "Hi there!" she immediately said, so perkily I almost felt at ease. Right away I knew she was the one I previously called Tiny from her obviously high pitched and small voice. "You want to know where we are going?" she asked stepping closer to me, causing her flowing white sundress to dance at her feet. She was stunningly beautiful, and yet so personable! I'm, well, shook! She starred a while before I finally got the inclination to nod my head yes. "Well, I feel as if first you should know why we are going, does that not sound more interesting?" she said, but this time didn't give me time to respond. "Well that answer is, we have picked you up to start a new life!" she plowed on, "Also just a quick little side piece, hold all your questions until the end, if you would. My name is Clowlsly, and I know you probably aren't gonna get my name right on the first time but you will eventually become use to it. I am sure. Just as you will get used to her name," she took the time to point at the other girl with red hair, "That is Mavren, and we have been assigned to pick you up. Then inform you, of all that you are not educated with. I mean obviously, you do not even know that we are in a parleiderk right now. You also do not even know what a parleiderk is I am sure, and for that matter maybe what a brush is. Despite that, I must inform you it will not be a problem because we are going to fix you up all sparkly! Oh, and I know you can not see but we just previously passed Lls Croscitum Din Lls Hers." She turned all tour-guide in one instant! "Now we are on our way to Ord Reig Pezzelie, and after that on to Lls Belezeit Iniich, and on the way you will learn new things! Everything is very scheduled! So that is it, I guess. Now If you could just state your full name, then you can ask me questions." she ended just as perkily as she started. 

     Wow, that was a lot of talking. Honestly the last part of that whole thing just registered in my brain. I'm sort of dumbfounded by this girl, again! Not just because of her beauty, or strange dress with a triangle shaped at her belly button, revealing her stomach, but because that was just so much. Total brain malfunction. "I'm a hundred percent, most of that was not even English." I said still letting my brain catch up to my mouth. Then again, absolute silence, as if she wasn't gonna start up again until I said the right pass code. Like a garage door, or a robot. "Oh, um. My name.." I trailed off. How could I give this girl my real name? what's the use in lying, or telling the truth here? "My name is Miranda Bea Weasley." the fact just popped out of my mouth like an excited jelly bean! I know my brain is slow at processing stuff, and stuff, but really I didn't consent to those words popping out of my mouth. 

"Thank you, now we know the truth serum kicked in, you may ask your questions now." she said leaning back on the wood, causing her dress to dance at her feet again, and I noticed the green trimmings at the bottom of it this time. It's kinda useless information at the moment, but who knows? Maybe that'll help me in the long run. And wait, did she say truth serum?

"Did you psycho's inject me with something?" 

"Is that your question?" she asked, and I swear hey giant round eyes got twice as big! I guess anyway, now I have to ask questions. But where do I even start? How about - Why did you crazy people kidnap me, and what kind of conditioner do you use?

"No, it's not my question Clowlee-"

"Clowlsly." she said quickly to correct me. I only feel bad about it because she's got such a nice smile, so friendly. Dang it, how can evil, crazy people still be personable?

"Right. Clowlsly. Where did you say we were going. I don't think I quite caught that in um, you know. English?"

"Well, I already answered where we were going. I thought it was very detailed actually so-"

"Okay yeah, you did!" I interrupted her. "But I meant like city, state, country? Continent?"

"Oh. Well I suppose we are going non of those places. No continents really, but if it helps I feel we are somewhere in the vicinity of England." she said twisting her down-to-her-calves perfect white hair.

"What does that mean, are we headed to space then?"

"Uhm, no of course not. Queer idea though."

"So where then, I don't understand where else we could be going." Unless you're in some kind of cult and I'm "travelling" somewhere I really don't want to go.

"I can see how it can be confusing concept, past human perception."

"Why are you saying it like that? Human perception? You're human too, "

"Well that question is just laughable. Of course I am not human and neither is she, Miranda."

"Okay so what are you? Aliens?"

"No, definitely not. Does my skin look yettidish to you?"

"I'm not sure what is- uh that?"

"The color of alien skin."

"Oh. So then, aliens are real huh?"

"They are, but that is not your main concern. Anyway you have reached your question limit so bye now."

"Wait! You didn't tell me there was a question limit!"

"Oh, I did not? I meant to. Sorry then." Then she leapt in the air, and landed right back in her spot, glowing again so bright in the sun. Who are these crazy people?

     All I could do is groan and sit on the wood again. So it was Clowlsly, and wait what was the other one's name? The one I called Autre? Dang, I really wish I could get a few more questions. Before that dumb question limit thing. These girls are literally more like robots than people, maybe that's what the girl meant. I was captured by idiot robots, with perfect, enviable hair. Obviously that was the least of my worries, it was pretty obvious these cult robots, were planning on keeping me. And there is no chance of me going back to Chicago.


"Why are you so stupid mag.?"

"Oh would you stop being so formal? And I'm not stupid!"

"All you seem to care about is conditioner. How does this apply to my situation again?"

"If you just keep reading-"

"Well I can not continue, as you notice the torch went out."

"That is a problem."

"Can you turn it back on, you know using Magier?"

"That's not how it works."

"Then its use is?"

"It's more than a use, just wait I'll find some light for you to continue the story."

"Using Magier?"

"We'll see."


Oh geez you are continuing, anyway leave a vote if you are enjoying so far thanks.

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