Let me go home - 1)

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I yawn as I woke up. My tiny arms, too thin for my liking. When was the last time I ate again? I don't even remember. Last nights excitement has never hurt me more. I remember bits and pieces but they probably released the gas again. Now I can't remember too much. Let's see, I began concentrating hard to relive the images and memories nearest to me.

Everything is white, with glass shards flying in every direction. Every one is silent. Just as it should be, so far, so good. Okay, careful not to touch anything I continue walking in my memories. Ah, finally I see someone. It's a fairy drenched in white blood, their own. I continue walking, and see more of the same. Some are already knocked out by the white gas, poor things never stood a chance. Oh, there is me I look viscous and angry. Why? It's like my white hair is standing on end like maybe a c'tt'ze or something?

I touch myself lightly causing me to get sucked in to my body and relive my memory. "AH, don't you touch him!" I scream. I'm breaking down almost in tears. Uh-oh who do they have? I look to my right, Glasstine is no where to be seen. I'm on my own now. My brother! I think, yes it must have been I saw his short and white hair, and giant glossy blue eyes. (An obvious trait in my family). What is he doing here? Oh, I'm walking now, no running fast and searching for him. They must have used him to lure me out. I'm stopping, no. I'm looking at the ground now, no. Stop, I want to make my body stop but that's what's horrible about memory shaping. It won't stop till I'm too weak to continue. I see blood a small puddle of it. Ew, a finger nail. I've counted ten now and I'm following the trail. More blood, with white hair. A whole patch of it no! NO! I've reached the opening of a cave. I can't go in now, I know I will die and that will result in the death of too many others. I'm frozen staring. My brother, he is screaming. He's only ten, please stop. "Let me go home, LET ME GO HOME LET ME GO HOME!" He is screaming in pain. He has lost his mind. He is being torn apart just enough to keep him on his death bed. No, come back Nileded! I scream as long and hard as I can," Nileded!" Silence. Nothing but empty silence. I'm now an only child I know for sure. I can't see anything else, my vision is done.

Run, my body tells my legs. I hurt now, in my side I can feel blood dripping down my side. I'm back now though, I've only scratched my skin in attempt to make the memory stop. And now he is gone. I have lost him. My Nileded, he is gone. There is an empty patch in my heart, what is my heart? I have none now that he is gone. He's has taken mine with him to his grave. And the Aopata Ovata have now stolen my only reason to live.

Where is she? Wasn't she supposed to help? Where is the prophesied fairy?

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