Chapter 12- Greif

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"Moonbrook, we should go." Violetsoul urged. It seemed to almost be dawn, and they had to be back at camp before the others woke.
Moonbrook shot her a side glance and sighed. Violetsoul could understand her sister's hesitation, but they had no choice.

"I know." she said at last. "Okay kits, say bye to Swiftspot." Moonbrook mewed sadly.

"Why?" Quietkit asked. "Can't I stay?"

"No, I'm sorry. You have to come back." Moonbrook explained gently.

"She can stay if she chooses." Swiftspot stated calmly.

Violetsoul snapped her head up. had she heard him right?


"I said she can stay if she chooses." Swiftspot flicked his tail at her. Violetsoul's eyes widened.

"You're not going to stay right, Quietkit?" Dovekit mewed. Stonekit stared at his sister, clearly wondering the same.

Quietkit shrugged. Moonbrook swept the small she-kit up. "Of course not. She's much to young to leave." She meowed hastily. Moonbrook looked at Swiftspot as if he had bees in his brain for even suggesting the idea. Though it didn't seem to bother the Tom at all.

"When she's old enough, she has the right to decide where she lives." He mewed calmly. Violetsoul felt anger bubbling beneath her pelt. How dare he say such things!

Moonbrook blinked him. "She belongs with me." She mewed. "We should be going." She said before the Tom could respond. The she-cat picked Quietkit up by her scruff and nudged Stonekit and Dovekit forward. Violetsoul followed, glancing behind her at Swiftspot. She internally glared at the Riverclan deputy.


Blazefang and Icefur sat crouched closely together far away in front of Violetsoul. Pebblelight wandered over next to Violetsoul.

The older she-cat had refused to go to the elders den, though most of Thunderclan had tried to convince her. Adderflight especially.

"Those two don't care to much for others." Pebblelight snorted as she leaned to rip off a piece of mouse.

Violetsoul shook her head. "Not really." She newed narrowing her eyes at the pair.

"She's half his age. She shouldn't be following him around like that."

"What do you mean?" Violetsoul turned to Pebblelight.

The calico she-cat lifted her head. "She follows him everywhere." She stated again, swallowing her piece of prey. "And not like a mentor. Like how you follow Rowendust."

Violetsoul ducked her head in embarrassment at the last statement. "Do you mean.. Icefur likes Blazefang?" She asked as the she-cats words sunk in.

Pebblelight shrugged. "Just a thought." She rasped.

Violetsoul flicked her tail, gazing at the pair.
It's not that crazy of an idea..
Though Blazefang didn't seem to show as much affection as Icefur was clearly trying to show. Violetsoul felt as though she would gag watching them.

"I'm going to check on Moonbrook." She said rising to her paws. Pebblelight nodded, continuing to eat her prey.

The gray she-cat trotted across the camp to the nursery. The sun had began to go down, casting a golden ray of sunshine on the remaining kits. Poolkit, Leopardkit, and Dovekit tussled in front of the nursery. Though Dovekit was clearly more tired then Silverstripe's kits. The kits broke apart as Violetsoul arrived.

"Guess what!" Poolkit bounced forward. "We're going to be made apprentices tonight!" Violetsoul has only just realized how big she had gotten.

She smiled at her. "That's great!"
Behind her Dovekit looked at her den-mate sadly. "I'll miss you!" She mewed. Poolkit nudged her. "Hey, it's not like we won't be friends!"

Silverstripe emerged from the den, nodding a greeting to Violetsoul. "Leopardkit, Poolkit, come here." The Queen beckoned. The littermates shouldered each other, sitting in front of their mother.

"Is Moonbrook in there?" Violetsoul asked. Silversripe nodded. The gray she-cat padded past the queen who was hastily cleaning her kits.
Violetsoul wriggled in the den, hearing her sister's voice.

"What was her name?" Stonekit mewed. Exhaustion practically dripped from his voice.

"Ivysplash." Moonbrook replied. Violetsoul froze as she heard her mother's name. Ivysplash had died moons ago. Violetsoul had barely even thought about her own mother, which made her belly burn with guilt. Moonbrook saw her enter, but turned back to her kits. "She was amazing, and beautiful. She almost looked like Violetsoul."

Violetsoul sat down, brushing her tail over her paws and listening intently. Dovekit wandered in from outside, mimicking the gray she-cat.

"She was a wonderful hunter." Moonbrooks eyes clouded. "She would have loved you." She mewed, tucking her tail around her kits and pulling them closer to her. Violetsoul blinked sadly at her sister. She had lost their mother, her friend, and she couldn't see the father of her kits.
She picked Dovekit up, carrying her to the grieving queen. She licked Moonbrook between her ears once Dovekit was placed beside her sister and brother. Violetsoul imagined what Ivysplash would do or say if she was here. She imagined her scolding Moonbrook for kitting half-clan kits, but loving her no less. She imagined her visiting everyday, playing with the kits, and sleeping close to Moonbrook. The thought that would never happened put a broken, stiff feeling in her stomach and heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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