Chapter 10- another day

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Violetsoul woke when Dovekit tickled her nose with her fluffy tail. "Come on, Violetsoul! Wake up!" Her sister's kit's tiny voice was somewhat calming to the she-cat. Especially after what had happened last night.

Violetsoul felt a small pang of sorrow when she thought back to Doveheart's brutal fate.

She was never meant to die..

"Well, are you coming?" Doveheart's familiar accent quizzed.


Violetsoul's eyes snapped back to Dovekit. The small she-kit only blinked at her. "What?"

Violetsoul shook her head. "Nothing. Let's go." The gray andwhite she-cat nudged the tiny gray she-cat out, and avoided the other warriors.

"I love it outside! I don't understand how kittypets stay inside! I would die if a twoleg kept me prisoner! What about you? Don't you love it out here! The prey! The smells! The colors!" Violetsoul wrapped her tail around her paws and listened and watched the kit closely. Her constant rambling remind Violetsoul of Doveheart.

Violetsoul felt sudden weight push her forward. She stumbled forward, surprised. Violetsoul turned to see that it was Hollywish who had bumped into her.

"Er, sorry.. Violetsoul." She apologized quickly.

"No, it okay." Violetsoul mewed with a flick of her tail, though the blind warrior couldn't see it. "Where are you going?"

Hollywish shuffled her paws. "I was.. just going to see Rosepool and Angelmist." She mewed.

"What? Why? Are you hurt? Is everything okay?"

Hollywish flicked her tail. "Everything's fine."

"Then why are yo-"

"I've got to go, talk later?" Hollywish didn't wait for an answer, she just shimmied past the confused she-cat.
Violetsoul only watched her silently.

She then felt Dovekit lean against her. Violetsoul looked down to see her peering up at her. "What's wrong with her?"

Violetsoul shrugged. "Let's just go see Adderflight." She suggested. Dovekit brightened at the name of the elder.



The rest of the day was peaceful, despite the dark feeling Violetsoul had in the her stomach everytime Icefur or Blazefang we're near. The she-cat knew she had to stop it. Some how, before it was too late.

She thought about going to Rosepool or Angelmist, but she had disregarded the idea. She doesn't quite know why, but she just didn't want to tell the medicine cats.

"Violetsoul, I need to talk to you." Moonbrook meowed as she approached.

"What's wrong?"

Moonbrook took a deep breath. "I want to go see Swiftspot."

Violetsoul froze. "You want to what!?" She exclaimed silently.

"He is still the father of my kits." She stated, standing straighter.

Violetsoul only blinked. "You know what Blazefang and even Flowerstar would say.."

Moonbrook glared at her sister. "It doesn't matter what they think!"

"Flowerstar is clan lead-"

"Can you help me or not?" The black she-cat snapped.

Violetsoul nodded. "You are still my sister. I'd do anything for you."

Moonbrook smiled at her. "We leave tonight, when everyone falls asleep. Cedarsky is guarding tonight I think."

Violetsoul only nodded, unsure of what they were going to do. Moonbrook could get kicked out if someone found them! Unease crept its way up Violetsoul and sent a chill up her spine.

She prayed to Starclan they could pull it off.

(Hiya! So this chapter is kinda a filler chapter/leading into something! Hope you enjoyed!)

What are your opinions on Swiftspot & Moonbrook?🤔

Twisted Shadows (warriors) (1st series, 3rd book)(Violet series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora