Chapter 18 - Vega's Weapon

Start from the beginning

Just before Leon could pull the trigger on his ability though there was a whisking sound to his left and when Leon turned his head he found himself face to face Adapt. He dropped Vega and threw a wild punch which the android caught before catching Leon with a kick to the gut that sent him flying backwards nearly right off of the tower. Dangling over the edge of the tower Leon struggled to pull himself back up and was greeted to the sight of Adapt carefully setting Vega down on his feet. Dammit, he thought getting back up expecting the android to come flying at him again but it never happened and he was able to get back up to his feet.

"Thank you Adapt," Vega said taking a blue syringe from the android which made a strange whirring sound as if it were acknowledging the old man. Vega turned back to Leon and gave him a sinister smile. "You had me worried I must admit, I didn't think I'd be able to last very long even with my nanobots defending me. But I'm afraid your time in this life is at an end Leon. You see this in my hand?" Leon looked at the tiny syringe that the old man held up and noticed that whatever was in it was actually glowing. "This is the Cyclops serum that I created using a sample of your blood so I expect the effects to be much more potent than with the regular serum. It was in development along with Adapt's upgrades so I had it bring it to me."

"If you think I'm going to just sit here while you shoot that stuff into your system you're sorely mistaken."

"Of course not," Vega said pulling the cap off and rolling up the sleeve of his suit. "That's what Adapt is here for."

The old man was moving to inject himself and Leon knew he'd only get one shot at stopping him before he'd have not only this android to contend with but also an upgraded Cyclops as well. He threw himself forward only to have Adapt run to meet him, the android took a swipe at him with its claws but Leon ducked the swipe by sliding on his knees until he was right in front of the old man. Vega looked fearful until Leon felt a hand gripping his shirt and pulling him backward just before he got a hold of the old man. He turned around ready to throw a punch but caught a knee to the chin instead. He found himself being forced down while above him, Leon heard Vega begin to grunt and groan as the serum's effects began to take hold.

"Dammit!" He screamed punching Adapt in the head so hard that he broke at least two of his bones in his hand, but it got the android off of him. Leon was on his feet in a flash and charging at Vega whose body was already beginning to grow in size as he continued to scream. "VEGAAAAA!"

Leon screamed as he ran at the old man with an already glowing hand, only to have Adapt appear right in front of him with a glowing hand of its own. Leon thrust his arm forward catching the android by the face while it did the same to him; there was a whirring sound before it felt like a bomb went off right in Leon's face. He flew backwards digging in his heels, his left eye now completely closed as he ran at Adapt who was already charging at him though its head was practically folded in on itself. The android threw a straight punch which Leon ducked and threw his knee straight up catching it in the gut before he drove his elbow down. The android was about to fall when Leon grabbed its arm and ripped it right off before using it like a club and hitting the android in the back of the head with it.

He turned back to Vega who'd stopped screaming by this point and was now panting as he huddled over himself, his body and muscled were easily over twice the size that they were before and his silver hair was wild. He looked like a completely different person now, he might as well be he told himself. Leon ran at the hulking man and was about to throw a punch when Vega's grossly enlarged hand shot out grabbing him by the shoulders before head butting Leon right in the forehead. The impact sounded like an eggshell cracking and Leon was seeing stars before the massive man spun around and whipped him down to the ground like a hammer. He lifted Leon up again and drove him back to the ground again only this time Leon went right through the roof and landed on the floor below.

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