A flame of anger was ignited in his eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever you say," she said, moving towards the door. "I hope you're happy."

"I will be once you grow up and stop acting like a child. Now, come on. It's nine thirty. The ceremony is soon." He began walking down the hallway.

Hands shaking, either with anger or fear- she couldn't tell, she followed him down the hall.

Down in the grand room, her mother and aunt waited, along with the three guards. One of them had a bruise on their head from where Arthur had punched him the night before.

"Oh, Jane," her mother said when she saw her. To any other person, it would've seemed to be out of marvel, but Jane could tell there was sadness resting in the small expression too.

"Shall we get going?" Her aunt said. She barely acknowledged Jane's presence.

The four made their way out to the carriage. It was a beautiful morning, unlike the previous night. Birds were chirping, and every flower seemed to have bloomed.

Every jostle and bump of the carriage made Jane's stomach church more and more. So this is really happening. Maybe I can send Arthur the cure after the wedding. That is if Aunt Beatrice stays true to her word.

The carriage ride went far more fast than Jane wanted it to. In what seemed like seconds, they pulled in front of the church.

They were greeted by guards and maids, one of which handed Jane a bouquet of white roses. Her aunt took the arm of one guard, who brought her inside of the church.

Another guard approached her mother, but she didn't go to him right away. She looked at Jane in a way that seemed like something else was going on. "Jane, I-"

Her father cut her off. "Cathrine, I think it's time for you to go in the church."

She looked desperate to Jane, who looked at her questioningly. "I... of course." She ducked her head and took the arm of the guard, who also took her inside the church.

What did her mother want? Obviously, it was something important.

Her empty stomach still felt like it was going to hurl when she heard the wedding march start playing from inside the church.

Her father, without missing a beat, took her arm and began towards the church.

The guards opened the big, wooden doors as they approached them.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the eyes of probably two hundred people looking at her. And at the alter, Stefano stood. He smiled when he saw her, but she didn't share the same enthusiasm.

I'm sorry, Arthur.

Her father started forward, nearly dragging her. She quickly sped up to his speed, and tried to stop trembling. It only got worse as she got to the front of the church.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The priest said.

"I do." He father grabbed her hand, then put it in Stefano's. With a nod to Stefano, he moved to his seat.

The priest continued. "We are gathered here today for the holy joining of Stefano Bronte and Jane O'Hare. Let no man separate what God has joined together."

The priest went on to say a fancy prayer, which Jane didn't pay attention to. The sound of her beating heart seemed to be louder than anything.

"Now," He said, looking out into the full congregation. The only people Jane recognized was her and Stefano's family. She couldn't see Matteo anywhere. "If there is anyone present who has just cause why this couple should not be united, let the speak now or forever hold their peace."

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now