Part 26

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Dear Team,

It's been a long time since I've written and for that I hope you'll allow me to explain. When I got word that Agnes was leaving for Earth I thought it high time I go on an adventure of my own, at least one allowed from the confine of my cell. I requested my legal team hand over the court proceedings from my trial as well as all written documentation of the evidence used to indict me. Over the past few months I've poured over the records as it stands, but as you all know my memory is of a shattered kind.

I've been distracted as a result of my constant digging and my usual weekly letters have fallen to tired hands incapable of neglecting my constant strive to better understand what happened in Loor. This letter is of the encrypted nature and the resources I needed to make its creation and delivery involved my fullest attention, something I could not afford while working my way through a trial I was, for the most part, too numb to fully participate in. Agnes, I've heard of your return through many voices and am asking you keep the promise you made to me.

Yours, Caesarian

Agnes read the letter out loud a second time as Daisy and Drakon attempted to pick apart any hidden message that might be lost within the text. When Agnes was done reading Drakon took over the microscope and began searching the slide over and over again. "It's no use. There's nothing else to read or glean from the message." Agnes said, but Drakon refused to give up. After a moment more of furious searching Agnes placed a hand on of Drakon's massive shoulders.

"He's not the same as he once was." Agnes reminded her friend and in response the Hirotian crested his towering shoulders creating a cave with his brokenhearted chest. Lowering his head Drakon drew in a deep breath. "He's not the same." Few in the universe wanted to admit an android was capable of emotional trauma, but for Agnes' team they'd seen firsthand what loss could do to artificial sentience; Caesarian was broken. Drakon repeated what Agnes said again and turned off the microscope leaving the message to darkness.

"Daisy, inform the rest of the team of the message. I'll plan a visit to the incendiary soon." Daisy spared Drakon a sad smile before excusing herself to contact the rest of the team. It'd been a long day and before that a long night, and afterwards the team had taken to activities meant to relax the mind. Alkaios and Chloe were probably down the road from the library, enjoying the expansive bath house that boasted of pools deep enough to at least suit the inalienable need of the sisters to dive to their heart's content; it wasn't home, but if they closed their eyes it almost felt like it. Ptolemy and Corinna often left together after work for the Archer Breezeway, a stone made hill with several caves used for meditation over Lisso. Epaphars was still in the library...somewhere, probably reading an obscure text written by a tree from a planet long gone. As for Cassia, she and Caelia often spent time away from the library only to investigate other libraries. Daisy had her work cut out for her if she were to ever find the rest of the team, but usually when one was found the others weren't far behind.

 "I'm always surprised when they allow you back into the incendiary." Drakon had collected himself and was now deflecting as was his usual tactic when he wanted the others to know he was done with a subject, but Agnes wasn't done. "I'll wait until Will has been discharged and then take him and Satomi with me." Drakon's demeanor changed, like a flash of lightening he went from collected to narrow eyes with piercing anger behind them.

"Why?" Drakon's voice dropped to a rumble. "I want them to see our prison, how we keep prisoners and I want them to meet Caesarian." Eyes locked on her friend Agnes didn't back down. "Neither of them belongs to this place."

"Rian is for everyone, even as her last days draw closer to us I want those final hours to be met with the awe she inspires. Satomi and Will are here therefore they are one of us." Drakon still disagreed, but could not bring himself to speak when the untouchable passion in Agnes' voice reached his ears.

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