Silverpaw~wing ♡ Spiderleg

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No ones pov

Silverpaw woke up, then started. Today was the assessment! She fully awakened instantly, and not so carefully made her way outside of the den, waking Breezepaw in the process. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "S-sorry!" Sure enough, Weaselfur was waiting for her. "Have you eaten?" he asked. Silverpaw shook her head. "Go eat first, and then we'll start." Silverpaw raced to the fresh-kill pile, and chose a small field-mouse, as she hardly had an appetite.

-Small 5 min timeskip (there will be a lot, i'll try not to though)-

No ones pov

Weaselfur directed Silverpaw to stay away from the borders in the main stretch of moor.

-i know 😑 10 min timeskip Silverpaw caught 6 pieces of prey-

Silverpaw's pov

I did not realize how close I came to the ThunderClan border. As I looked up, there was a flash of movement. (I apologize for any mistakes for the 'stranger's' personality, I am altering it to make it cuter and also i never really glimpsed it) A lithe brown tom padded forward, ears alert. He looked directly at me! I hid in the reeds of the moorland as he yowled, "I know you're there!" Weaselfur, where are you? He strode forward, his hand- Wait.. handsome? I don't even know who he is! (I apologize too much-i apparently have no regard to Silverpaw's personality) I couldn't take it anymore. I bolted out of my hiding place, got five fox tails ahead, checked behind me, and he was turning tail into the woods.

The stranger's pov

I returned back to camp, greeted by Brambleclaw. (I have no idea when it takes place so no one died yet (not in my story) or disappeared) At least I have something to show from hunting. "I found a WindClan apprentice hunting closer to the border. (Bla bla Houston we have a timeskip im sorry mah peeps but even i'm getting bored with backstory now you hate me for a/n probs)

-timeskip to gathering and Silverpaw is Silverwing-

Silverwing pov

As our patrol raced across the moor, my pelt glowed in the moonlight. Sadly there was no time to admire myself. A thrill surged through me. This was my first gathering as a warrior!

Spiderleg pov

The river surged threateningly below me as I dug my claws into the slick bark of the tree-bridge. (i forgot wut it called) Finally we arrived. I don't know how I ended up hopefully scanning the crowd, or why. My heart soared for no reason as I spotted the gray apprentice. Then Firestar yowled for the meeting to start. "ThunderClan shall go first. All is well, but one of our warriors has found that a WindClan apprentice has been hunting near the border." I spot the gray apprentice's ears go back for a split second. Ah. So that's who I caught. Tallstar responds, "I apologize for that apprentice. It will not happen again. Now that I have started, I shall speak. Prey is running well, and today a new warrior joins us. Silverwing!" He caterwauls the last bit, and everyone joins in. Once it has died down, Blackstar steps forward. Sadly, a (random not anyone real) elder has died of a cough. (Sorry that's lame. Readers im srry another timeskip)

-After (the war i went back to new york ya meh friend) the gathering-

Still longleg's pov (srry again am i funny? No)

I decided to go congradulate the new warrior, Silverwing. It hit me. This was the apprentice! "Hey, uh, wanted to congradulate you on becoming a new warrior!" I tried to keep eye contact, and it was love at third sight. Silverwing's eyes were just too pretty! My ears started burning, and I excused myself. Why is my life suddenly all dignity and being purrfect? (Tell me if i have too many author notes also see what i did) It must be love.

Silverwing pov

The lithe tom I had seen earlier strolled up to me. "Hey, uh, wanted to congradulate you on becoming a new warrior" I could barely keep eye contact with him. His amber eyes (imma assume) seemed to understand. "Um.. gotta get back to my Clan!" He bounded off like an excited kit. I was totally confused. As we left, our patrols were together. Spiderleg found me, and something in his eyes started pleading. "Could you meet me tomorrow on the border? It can be patrol (quotation ears yep its possible) or sneak out. Please?" "I'll try. What time?" "Moonhigh" was his final response before taking lead of patrol.

-*tear rolls down face cuz of ts*-

Spiderleg pov

StarClan, I hope she doesn't turn out to be a total bee-brained she-cat! *feels trickle* The weather is, though. I spot a shape similar to a cat making her way through the moor. "Hello, Silverwing." "Hi, Spiderleg. What was it you wanted to talk about?" "I don't really know. Lets get one thing straight. Iloveyouivelovedyousincethirdsight" (that is possible to read) "Sorry, what?" "I love you. I don't care about the warrior code, there's nothing it can do to me." Little did I know, it could do lots. (Jk that bit isn't real) (*takes elsa meme "you can't marry a man you just met " and sharpie and scribbles out the t and ' to make can* no? That wasn't funny? Ok) Silverwing gave a little shriek of excitement. "I do too! Maybe we can leave together." (Ha plot twist... no? Ya do hate meh (mark evan hanson AND me) but not eh (evan hanson), right?)

-*sobs and runs to corner store cause of evil time skip*-

No one pov

Silverwing and Spiderleg are living the happy life. (I apologize for this next sentence) They have two she-kits named Icekit and Bushkit, and they live near the mountains.

Finally this chapter is done now I can do this also this is warriors and httyd together

Spiderleg;*has no clue what he's doing* What is StarClan?

Snowi (me oh and i'm a hybrid light fury): Oh hi you like my story? (Will edit, you guys decide if he likes it there is a poll right now he likes it) *tosses phone*

Spiderleg: *ears grow hot* I love this! Kisae, thanks for bringing me here!

(Hybrid) Toothless: *magical poof and he stands there* Oh hi guys

Snow: Ya wanna read meh story? (Poll for like or not!)

Toothless: You are a very talented writer! Make one about me soon.

Snowi: Oh no, no, I couldn't do that!

Toothless and Spiderleg: Make one! Make one!

Snowi: Fine >:l *writes story* Oh btw guys, keep an eye out for this!

Word count total : woot woot 1094 words

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