Chapter 34

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I opened my eyes to see Ethan peering down at me. He was holding my arms down trying his best to wake me up out of my recurring nightmare. I yanked my arms out of his grasp and wiped the tears away from my face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Why do you care? It was just a stupid nightmare." I said as I struggled to sit up, "You said my name though... my real name" I said as I suddenly remembered hearing Ethan call my name in my dream

"I did? I was trying to wake you up and make you stop screaming and I guess it just came to me." He said confusion all over his face

"You remember my name." I said as I felt a single tear fall again

"I mean, I guess. I don't exactly know who you are or how I know your name, but I feel like I know you somehow." He said, "Why did you say my name... in your dream?"

"I didn't." I said

"Yes you did, I heard it. You said 'where's Ethan?'" He said

"I had a nightmare about the night that I thought you died in a fire, which you obviously won't remember." I said

Ethan looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't look directly at me; it was as if he was thinking about something so deeply that he didn't see anything in front of him.

"What... what do you mean?" He asked when he finally focused back to me

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter." I said as I looked down at my intertwined hands, "Why are you here anyway, did you come to get me for my next treatment?"

"Not exactly..." Ethan said with sadness in his eyes

"What do you mean?" I asked

He paused as he took a deep breath.

"The lieutenant has decided to proceed with the next phase of experiments." He said

"What are you talking about Ethan?" I asked

"Grayson is already in the treatment room, getting prepped for bone marrow extraction. I'm supposed to escort you to his treatment room so that you can be injected with his bone marrow. They will then test the virus on you to see if you gain strength or become too weak to take any more treatments." He said, refusing to make eye contact with me

"By too weak, you mean dead right? Because if I go through with this treatment, I will die. Just like Grayson is about to die in the other room. Your brother, Ethan, is about to die. Do you not see the problem with these people?" I asked in astonishment

"My brother?" He asked confused

"Ethan... you can't do this! You can't let us die in this place! We are a team; we are supposed to watch out for each other, we are supposed to protect each other! Please you have to fight whatever they are doing to you! You have to remember me! Please remember me!" I said as the tears started to run

I could see tears tracing a curvy line down Ethan's face as well as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could." He said

Before I could react, I watched as Ethan pulled out a large syringe from his back pocket and slam it into the side of my neck. My breath caught in my throat as I watched the person that I love, betray me. As Ethan pushed the plunger down, my muscles relaxed and my breathing slowed. I saw from the corner of my eye, two large men push a gurney into my room.

"I'm sorry." Ethan said as he took out the syringe and nodded towards the men

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