Chapter 20

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The Dream

"Jump." Ethan said beside me

I looked down at the 300-foot drop that landed into a massive lake. Well, it was supposed to be massive, but from up here, it didn't seem to be more than a puddle.

"Just jump, Olivia." Ethan said again

I looked back up at him and he had a reassuring smile on his face. If I jumped now, I would surely die, didn't he know that?

"I'm scared Ethan." I said to him as I backed up from the edge of the cliff

"I know. But trust me, once you do it, you won't have to worry anymore. You won't have to be scared anymore." Ethan said as he wrapped me in his arms

I took a deep breath of the familiar scent of sweat and dirt. Ethan and I pulled away and looked each other in the eyes.

"I love you." Ethan said

"I love you too." I finally said to him as I broke into a huge smile

"There it is." Ethan said as he smiled "There's the smile I've been waiting for."

I giggled

"Didn't I tell you the world would be better the day I got you to smile?" Ethan asked

"I guess you did." I said

I felt something pull me toward the edge of the cliff. I looked down one last time before I looked back to Ethan. I gave him one last smile before I stepped off and was freefalling.

I felt water flow over me until it completely surrounded my body. The world was muted as I sank deeper and deeper into the cold water. I felt my body hit the hard soil as my eyes opened in surprise. Where was I? I looked around, the water making me move in slow motion. I caught sight of a bright light in the distance and I started to swim towards it. I could feel the breath slowly leaving my body, but I didn't care. I kept swimming until the light completely surrounded me and I felt, for once, completely at peace.

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