Chapter 10

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"You're going to the party tonight right?" I heard my best friend ask from behind my locker door

            I closed my locker with a loud slam and turned to face Becca as I leaned against the metal door.

"Um, I don't know." I said as I crossed my arms

"Come on! You have to come!" She said pleading with me "Dylan is gonna be there." She said with a wink

"Well I would hope so, it is his party." I said as Lydia rolled her eyes "Come on Becca, he doesn't even know I exist."

"Of course he does!" She argued "Please? It will be fun I promise!"

            I thought for a second before answering

"Ok fine, but I don't have anything to wear." I said

"Oh, don't worry about that. We'll just go to my house, get ready, then we can drive together." She said, her mood suddenly improving

"Ok." I said, grateful that I would have someone to walk in with

            I slung my backpack over my shoulders and started walking down the hallway beside Becca. The whole way she talked on and on about how she was going to do my hair and makeup and by the time we had gotten to the football field, I had completely tuned her out. We walked across the field everyday because it was a shortcut to her car and I knew that she secretly wanted to spy on the players.

"Ok, so I will straighten your hair and-" Becca was cut off as I heard someone yell

"Heads up!"

            I turned around and saw a football hurtling in my direction. I placed my hands up and caught it easily. As I looked around for someone to throw it back to, I found a boy running up to meet me.

"Nice catch!" He said, as he got closer to us

I smiled as I replied "thanks."

"Oh hey Olivia." The boy said, as he finally got close enough to recognize me

"Hey Dylan." I said

"Hey." He said

"You already said that." I said with a slight laugh

"Oh yeah." He said as he scratched the back of his neck "Hey so are you coming to the party tonight?" He asked

"Um, I don't know I was thinking about it." I said

"You should definitely come, it's gonna be really fun." He said as he looked at me with his bright blue eyes

"Ok, well then I guess I'll see you there." I said "Oh right! Here's your ball." I said as I handed him the ball

"Thanks." He said "Well, I've got to get back to practice. I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah, see you tonight." I said

            He smiled at me one last time, turned around, and jogged back to his team. I turned to Becca to see the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"See? I told you he knew who you were!" She said excitedly

"Yeah whatever." I said as we started walking to the car

            We drove to her house and started getting ready for the party. After three hours, Becca had put the final touches on my look and we were getting ready to leave. I had butterflies in my stomach, knowing that I was going to see Dylan tonight.

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