the public finds out

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Joy's POV

2:30 pm

You were practicing for a new comeback, this concept was harder to capture. The CEO wanted you to act more girl crush this concept, and it wasn't easy as people think it was.

"Move to the left, spin, move to the right, spin." The choreographer said

"Joy you're moving the wrong way." The manager noticed you

"Sorry." You sighed and tried to follow your bandmates direction.

You had just broke up with Jungkook last night, rumors were getting worse. Evidence was spreading, you loved him so much but you didn't want to endanger his career. After all, he's part of the number one boy group in the world.

You had dated him in secret for over 4 years, you were the 8th member of BTS for a little while. You debuted with them, but left a year later to join Red Velvet. 

For you, being in a boy group was easier because they didn't focus on weight or how much you ate. They focused on getting you on top, and training you every day. You didn't even need to diet when you were in BTS.

"Alright, 10 minute break. Be back or I'll just leave because you guys are so frustrating."  the choreographer sighed

You went to the break room with your bandmates and you scrolled through twitter on your secret account. Your company doesn't allow you to have socials like YG, but you keep yours a huge secret.

"Oh my gosh, Joy. You're #1 trending on twitter with Jungkook." Wendy said panicking

You instantly moved next to Wendy and grabbed her phone, you saw many posts of pictures of you and Jungkook. But one tweet caught your eyes, "It's confirmed! Jungkook dated Joy of Red Velvet."

"Shit. Shit. Shit.Shit." You freaked out, your company was going to fire you because this is going to turn into a huge scandal.

The other members ran towards you and started asking you a chorus of questions. 

One of the manager's assistants came into the break room, "Joy, Mr. CEO wants you on the fifth floor in his office."

You tensed up, you felt like a hammer hit your chest. Wendy squeezed your hand, trying to reassure you that everything will be okay.

You left the break room with the assistant escorting you to the fifth floor. You're screwed, Jennie  had some big consequences. So surely you would too.


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