T W E N T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

"There's no need" I met her gaze "Because as soon as the sun rises, we'll be out of your hair" 

"Well now, that's going to be a problem" she said "Since the portals won't open until I say so"

"So you're holding us hostage?" Greyson raised his eyebrow 

"I merely want a conversation" she smiled at him "An honest conversation in which my little fleur will hear me out and allow me to explain" 

"And if I do?" I asked quietly "Will you let us go then?" 

"It all depends" 

"Depends on what?" 

"Depends on whether or I like your answer or not" 

I gave her an incredulous laugh 

"So either way," I started "Greyson and I are screwed? Aren't we? We're your captives" 

People whispered and I shot them an annoying look 

"Tomorrow" She said, walking away "Everything will be revealed tomorrow" 


"What in the Hell just happened" Greyson whispered harshly to me as we followed Dahl toward our room 

"Beat's me" I sighed in exhaustion "But whatever it is, we'll find out tomorrow" 

"Rose seriously" he gripped my arm and pulled me to a stop "We need to talk about this" 

I yanked my arm out of his reach 

"Apparently we need to talk about a lot of things" I said angrily "Like how you failed to mention that you and your whole family were werewolves" 

"We're not talking about me or my family..." 

I cut him off with a snort 

"And you think I want to talk about this? Right now?" I growled at him, poking his chest "I just want to wash this make-up off, take a bath, and go to sleep before I have to face Queen Hold-Her-Granddaughter-Hostage-Until-She-Agrees-With-Me tomorrow" 

I started walking again and in three short strides, Grey caught up to me. 

"I wanted to tell you" he said quietly "I just didn't know how" 

I glanced at him "Did you ever even try to tell me?" 

He nodded 


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