You visited Lina after eating lunch and told her about Rina's condition and Hizashi's visit.

"And the hug! And the kiss!" Lina continued. "That cheeky bastard...."

You started to have second thoughts about if it was a good idea to tell her everything about that.

"You must be really jealous," you quipped.

"Of course I am! He's like, your boyfriend now!"

"No," you said. "Definitely not. We're just hanging out to work on a song. I don't think he'll even talk to me as much anymore after the event."

"Then how do you explain the hug and kiss?"

"Um." You paused, unsure. "To comfort me?"

Lina humphed, continuing her childish complaining until suddenly, you heard the door open.

"Kai!" Lina jumped up excitedly, her mood switching in a snap. She pushed her glasses up. "You're back!"

"I sure am, Captain Obvious," Kaito joked. He waved at you once he noticed you were there. "Hey, [Y/N]!"

"Oh right, [Y/N], I told him over the phone about the villain thing a while back." Lina took Kaito's jacket and hung it over the couch lazily.

"Yep, I had to work extra even after the internship but I did find out some stuff with Best Jeanist," Kaito explained. "We—actually just him honestly—managed to catch one of the villains."

The couple sat back down on the couch. "Who?"

"Lina." Kaito stretched his arms and looked at his wife awkwardly. "It's really weird talking about someone with the same name as you and someone you know."

"When Hizashi and Shota told me about them it felt awkward too," you agreed.

"Hizashi and Shota?" Kaito questioned.

"Present Mic and Eraserhead. Didn't Lina tell you?"

"Kaito refused to tell me anything about this over the phone," Lina said. "He said he didn't want to explain it again to you once he was back. So I didn't tell him that." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well now I'm back and telling you about it now, aren't I?"

The two of them quarreled as you laughed. "Did Best Jeanist get any information from them?"

"Well, he only caught her outside and stopped her from moving with his quirk. We only found out her quirk, which had something to do with sound. She and another person—probably the other Kaito—managed to escape before we could find out anything else."

"How did she use her quirk?" You had completely forgotten to ask the other two heroes about their quirks the last time you saw them.

"When Beat Jeanist talked it seemed as though his voice was drowned out. It seemed to make Lina stronger and she broke out from Best Jeanist's Fiber Master."

You pondered on this, wondering if you should tell Hizashi or Shota about the encounter. They probably already found out from Best Jeanist.

"So she gets her power from sound," Lina suggested. "Sounds like a simple quirk."

"Did you find anything else about those villains and how they could be dangerous?" you asked. "Shota said that they weren't a priority for some reason."

"That was because the hero killer Stain was on the loose and most heroes were focused on him," Kaito explained. "Now that he's arrested the heroes have been focusing on other villains."

"I see, I guess they really did just injure a student and hero a bit, which doesn't put them at large."

"Less important than the League of Villains, that's for sure."

"I'll tell the other two heroes about this if they haven't already heard." You stretched and yawned. "Thanks for the info, Kai."

"No problem. By the way, how's Rina? Any better?"

Lina answered for you. "[Y/N] told me today that Rina was really not well, believing that she wasn't going to get better."

"Yep." You sighed. "I'm applying for the Battle of the Bands contest to get her to cheer up."

"Good idea," Kaito said. "We'll go visit her some time to cheer her up, make her feel better. You two have won almost all of the school ones in high school. Who are you applying with since Rina's sick?"

Lina turned to him. "Hear this, she's doing it with Present Mic!" Kaito's eyes widened, his inner fanboy awakening.

"I feel like I shouldn't be surprised knowing how good your music is, but I am."

You laughed, knowing full well that he was also jealous. "We've decided on a song to play for the contest today. We're doing a mashup of one of his and one of my songs."

"That's a great idea!" Kaito said excitedly. "I'm definitely going."

"Sure, I'll buy you two a ticket," you offered.

And there came the argument about who pays for what, even though there was a high chance that all three of you didn't want to pay and only offered out of politeness.

~♪♫ ♪♫ ♪~
Guess the song:
"Way up, way up we go,
Been up and down that road...."

Song suggestion: Nerds by Bo Burnham

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