"Okay Mrs.Townsend I'm going need you to push," a doctor said as I took a deep breath and pushed again. "That's good, keep doing that. I see a head," she said and I pushed again. The pain I was feeling was something that felt like it wouldn't stop even after I was finished pushing the baby out. The pain was different from anything I've ever felt.

"C'mon baby you got this," Aiden encouraged me. "The baby's almost here," he smiled kissing my knuckles. I didn't want to break his hand while pushing so I squeezed my other hand.

"Ughh," I groaned pushing harder. My contractions intensified and quicken giving me no time to relax as my lower back started to hurt worse.

"One more big push Mrs.Townsend. One more," the doctor told me. I gave them one last big push giving it my all.

"There you go," she said grabbing the baby as they cried. She had Aiden cut the cord as I caught my breath. "You two have a healthy baby boy," she smiled. "Congratulations!" I smiled weakly.

She handed him to me and he was so beautiful. I was in the worse pain I couldn't even imagine myself but seeing his face made it all worth it. He was screaming for a minute but calmed down while he was next to my chest. She gave me some time before she had to clean him up and everything else.

Later on

"Can I hold him again?" I asked as she smiled and nodded handing me him. I sat up kissing him on his forehead. "Hi baby," I smiled sighing. "You're so beautiful," I whispered while I laid back with him in my arms as Aiden came over to me.

"This was what you wanted to tell me wasn't it," he joked and I laughed weakly.

"Yeaaah," I said as I started drifting off.


After hearing her tell the doctor I was the father, I was feeling so many things but I had to be there for her. I was happy, shocked, upset, and more. The experience was something I am never going to forget. Seeing my first child being born. Now I get to say I have a kid.

"Do you guys have a name picked out for the baby ?" the same girl doctor from earlier asked me as Trinity drifted off to sleep. I could see why. That was a lot of work. It all happened faster than I expected but by just looking at her you saw all the energy she was using.

"Umm we never- Tyler," I just said. The lady nodded as she grabbed something and had me sign the birth certificate. She's always liked the name Tyler. I hope I made the right decision. I would hate to have picked the wrong name if she had another one in mind. I picked Tyler because it was a topic for some reason and she said Tyler was just a name she liked and would name her child if she had one.

She picked up the baby which was a little hard because Trinity had a nice grip on him. While she was taking his foot and handprints, etc, Zion walked in.

"Where's my baby ?" he came in pushing past some doctors.

"He's not your baby," I said as I stopped him from going any further.

"Mane that is my baby. Who you thought been doin' all the work ? You think she was buying everything for the baby ?" he laughed. "Nawl that was me. I paid for Pampers, a stroller, and a crib. All that I paid for," he said.

"Okay, whatever man. We'll figure this out when Trinity is able to speak," I said not really bothering to listen to him talk any longer.

"Zion," Trinity spoke turning her head with her eyes still closed. "He's not your baby. He's Aiden's baby and he knows that."

"Man, what ? You told me he was mine."

"No I didn't," she sat up just a little shaking her head.

"I never said you were. You assumed you were and I never told you otherwise. All that money you spent I never asked you to do that but that was a bonus, I gotcha ass," she said grabbing my hand.

"What you mean you got me, ?" he asked confused. "So this baby ain't mine ?"

"No fool. I got you back. I wasted my money on a wedding and got attached to you just for you to do me wrong and use me. Now I made you waste your money and get attached to someone so you can feel the same hurt I felt. It was my turn to do you wrong," she explained without any hesitation or stuttering. "Now leave. I want a divorce as well since you drugged me to get me to marry you in the first place," she said next. b

He stood there shocked not knowing what to say or do. He just let out a deep breath and walked out.

"Oh and doctor can I get a copy of my baby's prints, ?" she asked. I just smiled down at her. Admiring my beautiful baby mother. "And yes Aiden, Tyler was just fine. I think it fits him," she smiled as I bent down to kiss her softly.

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