Awkward Things

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Both boys stood at the door talking to each other with confused looks on their faces. As the door opened they both stopped talking and brought their attention to Harry. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while both boys stared at him in confusion.

"Heyyy," he dragged out feeling uncomfortable.

Christian was first to speak, "I didn't mean to intrude, I just wanted to hangout with you."

"Maybe wait for a response?" Louis said rolling his eyes.

"It's okay Christian." Harry quickly said. Louis shook his head looking quite annoyed.

"How about tomorrow we have dinner." Christian said/asked Harry.

"I can't I have-"

"I know, you can bring your daughter.. I don't mind. It'll be fun." Christian interrupted with hopeful eyes. Louis stood their crossing his arms.

"Yeah that would be nice actually," Harry said with his lips curling into a smile. Louis rolled his eyes sighing causing Harry to glance at him but quickly look back at Christian.

"Great, I'll text you later." Christian leaned forward locking lips with Harry. Harry kissed him back but felt slightly uncomfortable with Louis being there so he cut it short.

They said their goodbyes, watching Christian walk to his car.
Harry finally let Louis into his home.
"Sorry about that I was in the shower when Christian messaged me otherwise I wouldn't have had him over."

"That's alright, it's just us now." Harry smiled awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Soo what do you want to do?" Harry asked feeling like a high schooler at this point.

"I did want to go to the park or something but the weather switched up on us to day." Harry nodded trying to think.

"We could watch a movie?" Harry asked suddenly getting excited, definitely feeling like he was back in high school but he didn't care. "We can go to the store real quick and pick up some snacks.." Harry's eyes lit up and Louis just smiled at him.

"Unless you have something else in mind," Harry trailed off.

"No it's perfect, let's go!" Louis grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him out the door to his car.

"But I didn't grab my wallet!" Harry said turning to go back. Louis pulled him back shaking his head.

"It's fine, I'll pay. You are providing your humble abode after all." Louis unlocked the car and opened it up for Harry.

Harry paused before getting in. "That doesn't seem like a fair trade off."

Louis tolled his eyes, "Seems fair to me curly, now get in so we can get some snacks." Louis ruffles his hair, Harry swatting at his hand hurrying to get in the car so Louis didn't see the dumb smile on his face.

Harry frowns a bit thinking about Christian. He likes him but his little crush on Louis hasn't passed. He doesn't want to lead Christian on or get hurt by Louis.
He stops thinking about the negatives and remembers that he only just met Christian and that Louis and him are just friends.

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