1.1. Bon Voyage, Mes Jeune Chasseurs!

Start from the beginning

Sasha pouted still but admitted that much.

(Sasha): "I guess you're right."

The black-haired snake asked her why she was so excited earlier since the sun isn't even up yet. Sasha shyly twiddled her thumbs.

(Sasha): "I really like looking at the sunrise, it... soothes me, because I know that it's the same sunrise my mum sees every day..."

She looked down, embarrassed at the words that left her mouth. She felt like jumping off of the ship at this very instant, especially with the awkward silence that followed. Illia started trembling before exclaiming at the top of her lungs.

(Illia): "YOU ARE SO CUTE~!!!"

Sasha jumped at the Lady's outburst before feeling her face heat up. She hid her embarrassment by covering her face with her hood. A few heads popped out of their cabins, confused and curious at the shouting. Illia continued on her gushing, although less loudly.

(Illia, now with diabetes): "D'aw~, c'mere cutiepie."

She grabbed ahold of Sasha and pulled her in a hug before patting her head like a kid, despite being shorter by a few inches. Sasha, dying of embarrassment, squirmed.

(Sasha): "Please...stop..."

Despite herself, her tail wagged from side to side, earning a few chuckles from hidden bystanders and Illia herself. Illia managed to calm down slightly, although she still smiled widely.

(Illia): "I'm sorry, it's just... you were so cute I couldn't help myself."

(Sasha): "Please stop calling me cute."

The black mamba chuckled lightly, causing Sasha to pout and sulk. lightbulb.

(Illia): "Hey, I know what'll cheer you up. How about we go see the sunrise?"

Sasha's ears perked up, although she still acted reluctant.

(Sasha): "I'd like that."

With that, the two of them made their way to the main deck. Upon opening the hatch, Sasha took a deep breath of the morning air before running to the railing. The sun slowly came up over the horizon as Sasha witnessed it in awe. Illia walked over and sat against the railing, a smile plastered over her face. It was... peaceful and quiet. Usually, she didn't like silence, but this... this was different. Sasha looked over to her and realized something.

(Sasha): "We... We never introduced ourselves, have we?"

The raven-haired snake took a moment to process what she just said before bursting out laughing.

(Illia): "We never did, now have we?"

She stood up in front of Sasha and did an exaggerated salute.

(Illia): "The names Illia..."

She looked away hesitantly for a second before looking back, somewhat confidently.

(Illia Black): "Illia Black."

Sasha made a practiced curtsy, lifting her cape in stead of a dress.

(Sasha): "My name is Sasha Thornfield. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Black."

Illia smirked.

(Illia): "I thought I was a lady."

(Sasha): "OH COME ON!"

Illia laughed before going back to admiring the sunrise.

(Illia): "It really is beautiful..."

(Sasha): "It really is."

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