How to Write Something Less Cringy

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Yo, this is Bethany. So, I don't understand why people keep on reading this. I'm not going to update this anymore. There is one I am going to complete called Freedom (An Avengers FanFiction)

Here is the prompt to that: Everest is a thirteen-year-old inhuman girl, who's forced to go to Tony Stark's school along with other inhumans. She's been going to the school since she was seven. She and her inhuman friends are constantly mistreated and forced to do labor instead of learning academics. Not to mention only a couple of normal students treat them with respect. Note: This is an alternate universe!

I actually planned Freedom, unlike Little Brat. I planned everything I wanted to happen in Freedom. I actually made a graphic organizer like they make you do in school. Little Brat, on the other hand, was written with poor grammar, bad word choice, and absolutely no planning.

Here are some tips on making a good story for public domain websites.

-write out simple ideas for your story: This will help with updating more often and continuing your story.

-write out lore: When I was writing Little Brat, I had no idea why she had powers or where they came from. I made it up on a whim. This made me struggle in writing her powers cause I didn't even know what or where they came from.

-Plan actual consequences for characters' actions: This will make your characters flawed, but maybe also giving them a chance to have character development.

-Plan your characters with both good attributes and bad attributes: Pandora was a Mary-Sue character. The only bad thing about her was her kleptomania. Everest, however, is timid, can't handle confrontation, but also is a very jealous character, but she is also kind, generous, and a good leader.

-Plan relationships: When writing Little Brat, I actually didn't plan on Bucky being her dad or Steve being her father figure that she'd latch onto. For Freedom, I knew who her family was, her parent figures were, her antagonists, her friends, and romantic interests. I knew what kind of relationship she had with each main character.

-Don't make antagonists one-sided: Just like real people, we're not just good or just bad, we're a mix of both based on our decisions in life. The Pandorica is a one-sided villain, but Tony Stark is doing what he thinks is right based on bad experiences he's had.

-Plan your ending: the reason why this will never be finished is that I didn't even plan the ending! The first thing I did for Freedom was plan the ending!

-Get Grammarly or an editor: I cannot stress the point of good grammar and good word choice enough! I highly suggest Grammarly; it's free and very helpful! Grammarly not only corrects your grammar but can also give you synonyms for your words! You can get it for your phone as an app or as an addition to Google on your computer! I swear this isn't sponsored, I just love Grammarly so much!

Now you know some basics to write a good story. See ya later!

Little Brat OG (An Avengers FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now