A Trip Down Memory Lane

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(Pandora's P.O.V)

Everyone looked at me, like as if I was an idiot. I facepalmed. Of course, they thought I was an idiot. I just said I needed to find Lucas who was my imaginary friend. I tried to calm myself to explain.

"Listen. I'm probably going to sound schizophrenic, but I swear to you I'm not," I said. I explained my whole dream to them, they nodded their heads listening with interest.

(Tony's P.O.V)

I listened to her with interest. I don't know what it was about her? She was definitely a brat, but she had a good reason to hate us and rebel. She understood why we had to keep her here due to her outbursts, and just overall is a good kid. Sure, she steals and is a smartass, but she doesn't have any money or a home and she's lucky she is smart enough to be like Sherlock Holmes.

(Pandora's P.O.V)

I also explained my other imaginary friends to them. Vanessa was a sassy little bitch; we would always gossip to each other. She had a crush on my other imaginary friend, Bryson (Heh...Bryson was the name of my first boyfriend). Bryson was awkward, shy and was hilarious. We had our inside jokes and he was obsessed with video games. (True facts about the real-life Bryson, but we broke up due to long distance). Lucas, Vanessa, Bryson and I were inseparable.

"So you're saying, we need to find people who don't exist?" Natasha asked. I nodded my head; completely embarrassed by how stupid I sounded.

"Pandora, I'll be escorting you back to your room, so that we can discuss what we want to do," Steve said.

(Steve's P.O.V)

I escorted Pandora back to her room. She seemed really determined to leave on her own to find her imaginary friends. She suddenly tried bolting for it, but I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.

"Nice try," I said. I opened the door to her room. "J.A.R.V.I.S., you know what the drill is," I told J.A.R.V.I.S. I left to go back to the lounge; we definitely needed to discuss this situation. I walked into the lounge to see everyone just looking down at the floor.

"What should we do?" Bruce asked. 

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