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"i- i slapped him, ryan! and i didn't mean to- but i don't do so well with pda and i don't want us being public yet! there were... so many kids from school there and they saw me and him together! the last thing i want is rumors about me and him!"

"did you think about telling him before slapping him?"

"no- gosh, i'm so stupid." sidetracked, i take a deep breath before saying, "i think i love him."

my phone starts ringing and we both look at it.

it's brendon.

my heart rattles against my chest and i answer.

"h- hello..?"

"hey, baby. i, um... there's no non-blunt way to ask this... uh, why did you... why did you slap me when i kissed you yesterday?"

i for some reason started crying when i began talking, "i- i'm sorry, i didn't mean to! i just- i got scared when you kissed me in front of all those people, i- i didn't know what to do! i don't do well with pda and i don't want us to be public yet, i'm sorry, please forgive me!"

there is silence and incoherent conversation on the other end.

"it's okay, sweetheart.. why didn't you tell me this before?"

"i don't- don't know, i guess i never thought about it. i'm so sorry, brendon."

"i said it's okay.. can i come over?" i look at ryan and he looks right back at me. i sniffle and wipe my runny nose. "please do."

his smile is becoming apparent over the line and i can hear it as he says, "okay. i'll be there in a few minutes."

"a- alright..."

brendon hangs up and i sit on the bed.

"is everything good now?" i bite my lip and nod. "good."

brendon fricking urie // brallonWhere stories live. Discover now