Gosh darn his language

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"Oh shit" Tony hadn't meant to swear in front of Peter, it just happened, the kids 15 though so he's grown up enough to know. So...

"Language!" It slipped from Steve's tongue faster than he could think about what he was saying

"что, черт возьми, происходит" Natasha chimes in, saying God knows what

"Just shut it!" Tony want it to be quiet, to rewind time. He can't. Apparently Spangles hadn't gotten the memo that 21st century people swear. This just made Natasha cling to Steve more and make anyone want to gag. It was strange really, seeing the two all loved up after they'd both spent so long apart. It was nice. It was different.

Tony. Hated. It.

He hated how they were happy, he hated that they had love, he hated that they made public shows of affection and laughed it off. I mean, he's not the Grinch or anything but affection just kills him. The thought that someone would willingly open themselves up for another person.

Until he met Peter. Until he adopted Peter. Until he had a son.

Then it was Steve's turn to hate it, not that he did. Steve just thought it was strange that one seemingly normal person could make 'The Tony Stark' melt. How one child could change Tonys perspective on life. How he could make Tony smile. It was nice. It was different.

Natasha loved it. The feeling of love being returned. Sure, she had Clint, but he had the mentality of a four year old, at least Steve was mature enough to hold an actual conversation with her. She loved it. Loved him. She never got used to it, the feeling of affection. She'd been a spy, a ruthless killer, never a girlfriend. Never a fiancé. She was now though. She was going to get married. No one would ever suspect it. Natasha Romanoff loved. No.

Natasha Rogers.

Peter loved it aswell. Having a parent back. After his parents died, it had been hard, his uncle changed it though, filled the gap. After uncle Ben died, it was worse, if possible, he'd been the puzzle piece that had filled his heart. It had been nice. That too was ended. Aunt May. She was his last relative. His salvation. She died four months ago, it was the last straw. Peter had given up. She was the only one left. He had no one. Or so he though. Mr Stark was quick, he brought Peter in and swore he'd never leave. Peter believed it. He had too. He'd already lost everyone else. It was the best thing to happen to Peter Parker. 

Its Peter Stark now.

It all started with a swear word. It All ended in love. All because of his gosh darn language.


Thought that this one turned out alright. Requested by raindrops_polkadots so I thought I should write it.

Irondad and Spiderson One shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora