You fucking what?

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Peter had been injured. To correct that, he had been stabbed. So here he was, bleeding to death on the pavement. Alone. And cold. Cold and alone.

Tony was lazing around. To correct that, he was watching a film. So here he was, lounging around in casual attire. Alone. And snacking. Snacking and alone.

Neither hero was man enough to ask for the other. Tony was too afraid to invite the kid to watch a movie because he feared rejection. Peter was too afraid to ask for help when injured because he was afraid of rejection. Neither realised how much they both mutually cared for each other.

So here they both where. Tony, sitting on a sofa alone eating ice cream. Peter, clutching his abdomen to try to stem the bleeding. They where both idiots. Peter seemed to be the bigger one.

Karen's voice boomed into Peter's ears "Peter, you seem to be injured. Would you like me to contact Mr Stark?"

"No no no no no no no Karen. I don't want to be a burden to him!" Peter quickly shot back. Afraid that he'd inconvenience his mentor.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be a burden Peter" God Karen was so nice. Too nice. Friday was a sassy bitch but Mr Stark programmed his AI to be kind and caring. Loyal and apparently snitchy. Cos Peter would be damned if he pretended that he couldn't here Karen inform Tony of Peter needing help whilst his ears where ringing.

He'd be damned.

《It's Bill. You know what it means》

So here Tony was. At 4am in the morning. Waiting. Watching. For any sign that Peter was waking from his operation. God that kid would be he death of him. He could have sworn that he saw a grey hair yesterday. And come on, he's not that old! He thinks.

Here Peter was. Lying as still as he could. His stomach hurting. He went to touch it. To feel the river of red flow through his grasp once more. But he went to grab it. To feel the satin flow. There was none. There was only a scratchy cloth in its place. A bandage?

"M'sr St'rk?" Peter stated. It came out more like a question.

"Good God kid! You nearly died. And I can't deal with that. You know I can't. You have to come to me when these things happen. Get Karen to call me. Jesus kid. We almost lost you!" Tears silently fell down the older man's face.

No one had ever seen Tony cry before. Not for a kid. Not for anyone. Peter hadn't realised how much his mentor actually cared for him. He'd thought he was a charity case. A simple protege. He'd never been so wrong in his life.

Tony. Fucking. Stark. Crying over a nerdy loser like Peter Parker. This was the thing that changed everything. The thing that made Peter believe in himself.


Sorry it's been a while. I've been super busy and with mocks I've been studying in my normal did writing time. Just wanted to thank y'all for the support through all of it. This was requested by Spitfire50000 and I thought it was time to write it.

🎶 See ya my beetles🎶

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