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Phobia.... an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Her lips are sealed and her eyes are to the ground
Black jackets with baggy eyes
Maybe she hadn't slept in weeks
Maybe it's comfort she seeks
So they send her to the therapist
And to councilors
Says she got depression and is anorexic
Tells her she's being toxic
Tells her that her life is tragic
Treats her like a lunatic

She is drowning within herself
And she never asks for help
Never cared for friendship 
The relationship didn't seem worth it
And like that she lured the critics
Who would predict
Her future if she doesn't change
If she doesn't engage
In a normal life
As society puts it
She drifts further away

Her palms are sweaty and her hands are shaking
The light turns on and she's awake
They called it a suicide attempt
No bleach or bruises
But it's  a suicidal thought
That triggered the trauma
And she is overwhelmed by fear
Afraid of the lights and the people
And the thoughts

She turns to writing
Poems about being drown
About when she frowns
About how she longs
To be away from it all
How it scares her to be around you
And the doctors say it's nothing new
Just double up on the antidepressants
Just another suppressant for her emotions
And so with the thoughts already fueled
She takes away her breath
A phobia never meant death

Xenophobia ..a fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign

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