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If I had a chance I'd tell you that you make
My hair feel thicker than it is.
It feels like a Lion mane and fire burning endlessly
With passion and truth.

The subtle rain drops trickle down the car window
You leave the air condition on.
Did I tell you that I'm half in and half out?
Sleeping yet all my senses awakened.
Your hands loosely on the steering wheel
Eyes focused on the darkness ahead.
Your ears ever vigilant to the slowness of my breathing.

I turn down the window as the sun invades the story.
The summer wind picks the strands of my hair.
" It's gonna rain again. It might actually pour today"
Intrinsically you're wearing hats of knowing.
I'd hoped for rain all my life.

The lights switch from yellow to red.
You tap on the steering wheel.
I give you the wrong directions again.
Who cares that we don't know where we're going?

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