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Your mother raised you to be a gentleman.
She raised you to caress the cheek of a woman
And taught you to make love to her in the sweetest ways possible.

Today I don't hold you old friend.
You hold me closer than anyone else in the room.
Our elbows rub and we make love through innocent cacophony of laughter because she knows you loved me first. You loved me better and respected me more . If you were to be honest with yourself, I was your first friend and you first enemy.
Our love is a crazy catastrophe caught up in the hands of God and raised that all men can see.

Our voices intertwine in the interest of conversation.
What is a lover if he cannot batter your bruises with conversation and banter you with silhouettes of love?
You protect me from the loud voices.
That's who your mother raised you to be;
A gentleman with your heart and eyes.
Yet you see through all my facades and break down the walls of my insecurity.
No one wants a silent love .
Love is not silent but it starts off one whispers then makes it's way into boisterous declarations of affection.
Why do you affect me so much ?
This time line does nothing for the sparks between us . We rage into timeliness of eye contact but never into the depths of lovers.

The shoulders that rub against each other ooze a passion beyond my wildest imagination.
You, your love is beyond my every capacity to control myself. Who needs life when all my desires are in your hands far beyond my reach. You said that you are happiest to see me in love. Why can't you see it is the refraction of light from your eyes colliding with mine making it a vivid night's dream about an eternal lover who fades with the moonlight as we dance upon the tiptoes of stardust. You are the unfathomable dream of desire and you and I are no longer two but one in the agony of heart and your are the king and I am a queen for two different universes.

Last night we watched a fire burn and you whispered sweet nothings to me. Bending your only desires in the grip on my shoulder and me the dust of your broad chest. Need I say anymore? Need I blush myself to sleep any longer with this intoxicating pill of your love. Please hold my hand my fingers long for your love.
You do not reach out.
How much longer should I play koi to your eyes on me. We have reached far beyond the playground and managed to slip our sheets into the marriage bed.

My first love and my last sense of peace I rest my head on your shoulder and we fall asleep in an ensemble of laughter and epics of life.

Do they know about the way you hold me?
Our differences like fierce fire and ice but I love you in the most intimate of ways.
Our lips quiver in the presence of the other and our hearts melt into mush of " I love yous".

You are my very muse and the pinnacle of my thought.                                                                                         Don't you see the way my eyes burn with passion for your love? Then you make me feel like a princess . Letting me walk up first and you right behind me. My valiant ever vigilant prince.             Ask me again why I smile so much.   We are falling into the deepest depths of love and for some reason I am the most fearful. We are the ideal of ideals. O Sweet  Solomon. No Delilah just love and trust. We are falling falling falling into the sweet somethings of God made soliloquies. This is what we were created to be. 

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