Another One

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Here I go again
Maybe I try to hard
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Knowing your not for me
They all think it's fine
But I know that you're not mine

You'd give up on me
And I'd already see it coming
Why do we run to love?
Why am I broken now?
And I knew how
I'd make you run away
Until the day you don't care
You don't wanna hear
You're tired of it all
And so we Fall
And my heart breaks

My eyes fill with water
Always full with tears
And you still don't care
And I'd known better than to go again
I'd always know how it would end
I'm too stubborn way foolish
Wait til you screw this
And we'd never make it in the end

He doesn't care if you had a bad day
Because you're annoying
Always whining and complaining
He hates you just runaway😓

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