Chess (C. Rutherford)

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A modest smile graced his lips as his fingers brushed over the small chess piece that rested in his hand. It was a knight piece, to be specific. Nothing had filled the man with more warmth than this. Sometimes, however, the feeling was bittersweet. Being away for so long reaped its benefits, but it detached him greatly from the ones he devoted his undying love. No longer did Cullen feel the wrenching of his heart, only relying on his faith that one day they would be united. Letters were one thing, but seeing them all in person was something so incredibly different. Returning seemed so desirable, yet he wondered what they would have to say. Cullen feared the changes that may have occurred, yet also welcomed them. After all... he was an uncle now, wasn't he? The commander simply could not wrap his mind around that. Where had the time gone? He could not begin to count how many years had passed since then – well over twenty, to say the least.


The commander sank into the crimson-colored seat, instead of hunching himself by leaning towards the table. He held the lustrous piece into the sunlight, squinting as he observed it. After a moment, he resorted to placing it back down onto the board in its proper position. He'd always found some odd connection to this piece. The man could never decipher why, but it was immediately his favorite part once he began to play this game with his elder sister. He gave a soft chuckle at the old memories that resurged but quickly tucked them away as he shifted his attention elsewhere.


For a lively place such as Skyhold, the commander appreciated the few relatively undiscovered courtyards. This one, in particular, he found himself taking a particular liking to. With the few moments he could gather free time, he nearly always resorted to coming here. The quiet simplicity of everything truly extracted the beauty that brought this man peace in his troubled times. He admired every aspect of it. How the cool breezes brushed against his skin, how the dying sunlight crept through the trees and kissed the back of his neck with warmth. How he relax for a moment, being greeted by distant conversations or the songs of birds. Most of all, however, he enjoyed his time spent here that was not alone. Often times, the man found himself with some of the Inquisitor's closer companions enraptured in a game of chess or a delightful dialogue. Cullen's personal favorite one to linger out here with was Dorian. It was not solely the chess games that entranced him so, but the man's lavish and charming personality that almost always brought a smile to his face. He enjoyed the Inquisitor's presence as well. They could discuss the simpler things in life for once, and not have to be tied up in one's own worries. That was something pleasant. 


Yes, these conversations soothed the man's worries more than he often admitted. He would come to see that he is not alone in these endeavors, that everyone fighting for this cause is equally as impassioned and equally as human. The commander would learn that these companions were as equally flawed as he, but that their flaws made them genuine. Their flaws only seemed to make them better. One tended to lose sight of that in an atmosphere like this. It was nice to be reminded for a change.


The man cleared his throat, soon adjusting himself properly in the seat. He straightened his shoulders out, a clear exhale escaping his parted lips. Footsteps echoed through the open hallways that encompassed the courtyard, alongside few conversations. The man knew it was time he should return to his duties, yet he could not help but notice a figure approaching him with a delighted countenance. Cullen greeted them the same, the edges of his lips pointing upwards in a gentle smile.


"Inquisitor," he spoke softly, eyes following the figure.


"Commander." The Inquisitor greeted in return with a brief nod of their head. Despite the formalities, Cullen couldn't help but notice the underlying mischief they held with their expression. The Inquisitor shifted closer, placing their hand on the arm of the chair opposite to the commander. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in a match? Dorian's been teaching me a thing or two about your tactics. I believe I may just outmatch you this time."


"Is that so?" He inquired with a raised brow, a chuckle trailing from his lips. "We'll have to see about that."

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