Obsession (A. Theirin)

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Uhhhh yeah. This one was weird. Not sure what I was on while I was writing it, but here it is anyways (cue the future regret!).

Once consciousness hit him, the man violently seized air into his lungs, bursting into a fit of coughs. The brutal awakening did not fully awaken the man. No, he felt rather as if a great smog had been lifted from his mind, though small bits of it still remaining. Grogginess slipped in, but the Warden's lack of awareness number any other questions that arose in his mind. He cast his gaze up slightly, seeing traces of olive tinted vapor slipping through the cracks of the walls. His mind made nothing of that. Alistair groaned quietly, moving his hands to his side to push himself up slightly.

The foundation beneath him, an old shabby bed, creaked as he supported himself. The man lifted his gaze, then surveying his surroundings. Everything seemed normal. He squinted. Wooden walls surrounded the man, eventually forming a small unoccupied doorway leading into a room much too blurry for him to imagine. Alistair hadn't recalled why he was here, exactly, but he supposed it was a good thing. He felt little pain, none actually, though assumed their party took a rough hit and were recovering. Worry set in for the Warden instantly - would she be alright? He knew asking himself that question would satisfy no curiosities, but investigating would do him more. Alistair swung his legs around the side of the bed, suddenly realizing he was in full armor. He sucked in air hesitantly. That made no sense. Either he was crazy (he didn't doubt that), or something here didn't seem to fit together. Who would sleep in their full armor... anyways? Was he that tired?

Alistair craned his neck to the side, hoping to uncover any traces of anyone who had visited this room prior to his awakening. Immediately, something stood out clearly to him. Two wheels of cheese lay directly beside the bed, taunting the man. He swore he could smell them more strongly than ever. Alistair quickly lifted his hands up and rubbed his face. Sure, a part of him pleaded that this reality might've been real... but it felt too odd, too unnatural to be real. Yet, he still couldn't remember why he was here. Planting both feet firmly on the ground, he stood up, advancing to the wheels of unexplained cheese. He furrowed his brows, pursuing his lips together tightly as he reached a finger out to brush over it cautiously. The moment his finger reached out, barely brushing against the hard exterior, a hand was pressed on his shoulder.

"Sweet Maker!" Alistair yelped, shock running through his system. Features completely flushed and nearly white, he stumbled backward into the side table, bumping his leg against the corner. He immediately winced, raising a hand up to shield his cringing features. He took a moment to breathe - why did that hurt so much? Wasn't he wearing armor? At a second glance, the Warden suddenly realized he was dressed in a loose white shirt and trousers. Alistair found himself unable to breathe, air sucked in as a lump formed in the back of his throat. The hand gently massaged his shoulder, a voice accompanying it. Alistair couldn't make out the words of the voice until the ringing in his ears ceased.

The hand gently slipped from his shoulder to his arm, guiding the man back to sit on the bed. Alistair shook his head in slight defiance, though becoming unknowing of his actions. "Oh, my poor little brother," a smooth voice empathized. A sudden paralyzing chill ran down Alistair's back, his eyes trained on the wall as to not make contact with the individual next to him. Giving in, he situated himself on the bed that creaked under his weight. "Right, you just need some space." The figure spoke gently again, rubbing his arm affectionately before backing away. Alistair shook his head in confusion, unable to process the words that simply floated into one ear and escaped out the other. Finally, he swallowed the rough lump in his throat, the feeling of ultimate paralysis gradually fading as breaths entered into his lungs properly. Alistair still hadn't felt right, even after regaining full control of his body. He felt as if there was something continuously paralyzing him, watching his every move. Of course, there was the person next to him, but that was beyond the point.

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