Chapter 15

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Warning upfront: there is violence in this chapter, so don't like, don't read


I woke up and smelt that I was somewhere I'd never been before. Opening my eyes and sitting up I heard a chain moving and looked down to see a chain going from the middle of the room to a metal collar that was fastened around my neck. I touched the collar but could find no lock of any sort, so I decided to first figure out where I was. I noticed that I was in a glass dome of some kind, the glass seemed very thick, indestructible even. That's when I noticed movement outside of the dome and my first reaction was to take a defensive stance.

However, my mouth dropped as I saw that it was Thor who was waving at me and at the same time trying to break the cell he was held in. He was kept in a metal container with a glass door that stood against the wall. I looked around and noticed that the other avengers were in the same predicament. All of them were in cells against the wall. The dome stood in the middle of the room and there was plenty of space between the cells and the dome, but it was all filled up with technology of some kind. I could see that the avengers were trying to catch my attention and say things to me, but I heard nothing. I tried to make as much clear to them and they seemed to understand and continued with trying to break down their cells. I looked at the chain that I was stuck to, but it seemed too big to break. I nevertheless tried, but the chain was too strong and since my movement was restricted by the chain using my speed to help break it was out of the question as well.

Suddenly I heard a sound as if a microphone of some sorts had been turned on and I saw the avengers having similar reactions. I turned around as the door opened and Henry walked in. "Ah, good morning sunshine!" Henry said to me. He then noticed the avengers still trying to destroy their cells. "Try all you want avengers, these cells won't break, so you might as well save your energy for when you need it." Henry continued walking until he got to a computer, set up in front of the dome. He then pressed a button and before I knew what was happening the liquid we had been trying to track came pouring down and completely soaked me. After a minute the downpour finally stopped and the last of it went down a drain which was placed near the middle of the room. I shivered as the fluid was cold and I was completely drenched by it.

The avengers were shouting, but Henry paid them no mind at all as he continued to watch me. "I think it is finally time for some explanations now, not because I have to explain anything to you, but because I enjoy how well we played you. Although it is rather a pity that you didn't figure it out before now, but oh well, it adds to the surprise I suppose. Before we start though, yes all of you can hear me and no you cannot hear each other." Henry then moved and sat in a chair, making himself comfortable before continuing. "I suppose we'll start at the beginning when we met in the Avengers tower. Didn't you all think that it was terribly convenient that the avengers were called away just as I entered the building? Indeed, that so called "base" was a fake to get the avengers away in order to reach the real goal: implementing a virus in JARVIS."

He then turned to me. "That brings us to our second meeting which has everything to do with this." He held up a vial that no doubt contained the weird liquid that I was still soaked with. "We left behind a vial for SHIELD to find in another abandoned base and then sent Weber to be captured as this would spike an interest towards the fluid. In the lab of our old base I then scattered the liquid around so you would have to breathe it in Accalia. You did and with the added effect of you fighting our men it ensured that you would stay in the room long enough to breathe a large quantity of the odour in.

You see, I said before that there is a reason why only you smell the liquid and that is because it was designed specifically for you. In small quantities it causes chronic headaches and small side-effects, but in large quantities ... I'll let someone else tell you that, my partner. You see, I didn't do all this by myself, far from it, my partner did most of the work and I helped wherever possible. He is also the reason that we didn't have to test any of the liquids directly on you, he already had enough data that we could work with. So, allow me to introduce the man who made all of this possible, the mastermind behind the plan: professor doctor David Dekker."

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