Chapter 7 - I Like Him

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Jungkook POV

Its to quick to accept the real feeling for Mr.Kim.. But I can't help it.. Whenever he looks at me I can feel some weird feelings.. His smell, his deep voice, his sharp gaze and the way when he speak to me.. I want him.. I want to know more about him... I want to give him all the happiness.. Suddenly my mobile rings.. It's from jimin.. I pulled myself from his warm hug..

Chim : kookie.. Are you okay?

Kookie : yeah.. I'm fine.. I will be back in an hour..

Chim : no need koo.. Yoongi hyung will drop me in college.. I will meet you there.. Want to speak a lot.. Bye..

Mr. Kim looked at me.. 'Yoongi hyung will drop Jimin.. ' he ruffled my hair..

'First eat breakfast.. Then I will drop you in your college..' I nodded my head... 'We have time.. Come we will eat in nearby restuarent..' I want to hold his hands..  But I feel so shy.. Suddenly he stretched his hand to me.. 'Hold my hand.. ' I smiled a little and holds his hand.. I love when his long fingers wrapped around mine.. He opened the car door for me.. I hopped into the car and buckles my seat belt.. He drives the car.. After fifteen minutes he stops the car near the small restuarent..

We both get into the restuarent... 'I will order our breakfast.. Go and sit..' I nodded my head and sot near the corner.. I won't eat a lot in morning.. He join with me after five minutes..

'Why didn't you wear my shirt.. This hoodie is too big to you..' I pouts at him.. 'If you want to wear oversized dress just wear only before me.. I don't want others to notice your milky skin..' I blushed a little... I covered my color bone.. The waitress serves our breakfast..

'And from now on eat some healthy foods.. You look a little skinny... ' I know that..

'Don't worry Mr.Kim.. I'm healthy enough.. ' he smirked at me..

'Yeah I will see that in future..' Aishhh this idiot.. I threw the spoon on him which he caught and smiled at me.. He looks so handsome when he smiles..

'You know you look so handsome when you smile like this. ' he stopped smiling and looked at me.. Did I say something wrong..

'Because of you...' My heart warms when I hear those words from him..
After out breakfast he payed the bill.. He drives the car to the college but I don't want others to notice this.. So I told him to stop in front of the cafe...
He looked at me..

'Thank you Mr.Kim..' He caressed my cheeks.. I want to be with him..  Want to speak a lot with him.. 'C-can I get your number ..' He smiled at me.. He saved his number in my mobile and give it to me.. I saw jimin at a distance.. 'I have to go.. Jimin is waiting for me..' He holds my hand..

'Can I call you at night..' If jin hyung knows about it he will kill me.. I looked at him and nodded his head.. 'I will message you later..' I bowed at him and opened the door.. I waved my hand and ran towards jimin...

'Koo..' Jimin hugged me tightly.. 'Are you alright? '  I nodded my head.. We both get into our college... Lisa was already waiting for us in our table.. We both join with her.. They both looked at me with piercing gaze..

'So spill the tae.. What did you do in his mansion..' Jimin asked.. Lisa looked at me with her wide eyes..

'He asked me the reason... And he just helped me..' I sip my banana milkshake..' He is not asshole.. He is nice..' On hearing thus Jimin choked his milkshake..

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