15. The Reception

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 As people settled into their seats, the band started to play and Crowley and Aziraphale took center stage for their first dance. They swayed softly to the lilting tune of Somebody to Love, until Crowley decided he had had enough of the band's instrumental cover of the song.

"Oh shut up," he growled at them, and with a snap of his fingers, the Bentley began playing the song without skipping a beat. "That's better."

"This feels good," Aziraphale said, "This feels right."

"Yeah," Crowley whispered. "Everything is falling into place."

And for the length of the song, everything was perfect. Crowley and Aziraphale took their seats at a table with Daniel, and Eddie, and as the employees of the Ritz placed elaborate meals on the tables, Danny stood up to give his best man speech.

"I have known Crowley since the dawn of time. He's a real mischievous bastard—just my speed—and one helluva guy. Aziraphale, you are so lucky to have this demon as you're husband. I've never done a best man speech before, so I don't really know what I'm supposed to say, but someone said I should tell a funny story about these two. I tried to think of a story, but I really don't know Aziraphale that well, and the two have been rather secretive around their relationship, so instead of funny anecdotes and stories about the two of them, Aziraphale, I will simply give you a warning and some advice. With Crowley, you always have to stay on your toes. He's like a child. If left unattended for too long, next thing you know, you turn around and Italy is shaped like a foot because he thought it would be funny that way. Also like a child, he is in constant need of attention and validation—" Crowley hissed at that comment. "—and he has been known to occasionally put cheerios in orange juice, Caprisun, and even Sunny D. Good luck. To the best couple around!"

Eddie's speech was much shorter and to the point. "Crowley, I don't know you. Honestly, you scare me a little. But you make Aziraphale happy, and that means you must be doing something right. May you two be forever happy!"

After the speeches, people ate their food and a few took to the dance floor—mostly demons. The rest went as expected. They cut the cake—Aziraphale did the cutting of course because with the fiendish looks Crowley was casting at Gabriel, he didn't particularly trust Crowley with a knife.

The night wound down to an end as the guests left—Adam did have a bedtime after all—and Crowley was fairly sure he had actually seen Gabriel and Danny leave together. Crowley and Aziraphale were the only two left in the park, with the Bentley still playing Queen. Crowley and Aziraphale danced together one more time, their wings wrapped around them as they swayed to the music, the two hearts beating as one. After 6,000 years full of temptations and miracles, champagne and crepes, nazis and holy water, antichrists and hellhounds, somehow everything came together and of all people, an angel and a demon found love in each other. If an angel could see the good in even the darkest of demons, and if a demon could find the worth in spending time with an angel, really anything was possible. The two lifted off into flight together, as they started their next journey together. No matter what came next, Crowley would always protect his angel, and Aziraphale would always seek to bring out the good but also cherish the malicious in his demon. Who could say if this was all a part of God's Great Plan, or even Her Ineffable Plan, but at least for now, the future would remain just that way: ineffable.

Thank you guys so much for reading this! I was not expecting this many people when I started writing this just for fun a few weeks ago. I still can't wrap my head around how many people have read this and liked it. Thank you all for your hilarious comments. I am sorry to say that this is the end of this story BUT IT'S NOT THE END OF INEFFABLE HUSBANDS FOR ME! I am immediately starting another Ineffable Husbands fanfiction, as well as an Ineffable Husbands one-shot book, where I WILL be taking requests if anyone has any cute scenarios they'd like to see these boys in. Until then, peace out angels, demons, and all y'all chaotic neutrals out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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