3. An Unexpected Visitor

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 Aziraphale woke first, and was surprised to find himself nestled under the covers next to Crowley, the demon's arms wrapped around him. Aziraphale was rightly flustered, but after the initial shock, decided he quite liked the feeling. After all, he did feel safest—and happiest—when around Crowley and being so close to him just felt right. He had known for a good long while—after Paris or thereabouts—that he loved Crowley, although he had yet to figure out how much and in what circumstances.

Aziraphale could have stayed there all day if not for archangel fucking Gabriel.

"Aziraphale!" his voice called from the bookshop. "Where are you? I know it's early but we were worried about you—"

"One moment!" the angel cried out, hurrying to figure out what to do about his situation. As long as Gabriel didn't see Crowley, he was fine. Aziraphale could always miracle Crowley out of there, but he wasn't quite sure where he could end up sending him or if that would just discorporate him, which was the last thing he wanted.

"Azi—" Crowley murmured, grabbing his hand wearily.

"Azirapahle, there you are," Gabriel said as he entered the room. He stopped dead in his tracks.

Aziraphale froze. "Uh, yes, Gabriel?" he asked. He didn't know which course of action to take, so he just decided to play it cool and hope he wouldn't notice the half-awake demon lying in his bed. "What did you want?"

"Doesn't matter anymore. Heaven above, Aziraphale, it's worse than we had imagined. A demon tempting an angel ... the worst a demon could ever possible do. How could you fall for it?"

"F-fall for what?" Aziraphale suttered. "He's my friend. He's really not a bad demon, he just fell a long time ago and if you knew him now ... plus he fell for all the wrong reasons, you know? He's really still an angel at heart, just, you know, with a little more style. He's really more of a chaotic neutral than anything, sometimes even good, I dare say."

"Nonsense. He's a demon. I don't know what delusions you have in your head, but they're incapable of love."

"He's not. I've felt it."

"Angel, who's—" Crowley yawned and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He jumped to his feet as soon as he saw Gabriel and hissed.

"See? He's a monster. No wonder you've gone downhill," Gabriel scoffed.

"He's not a monster—" Aziraphale argued.

"Oh, let him think what he wants," the demon said, strolling up to Gabriel until he was inches from the archangel's face. "Maybe I am a monster. Maybe I can hurt you in ways you can't imagine. Maybe you'll never have to find out. But if you so much as lay one of your precious little fingers on my angel, I swear that I will destroy you and every inch of that hellhole you call heaven. I will singlehandedly destroy everything you have worked for and I will stomp you into the ground so hard people will forget you even existed. I can make the archangel Gabriel a fucking fairy tail."

Gabriel seemed to shrink three sizes. "Okay, well I'm out."

Crowley sighed. "Well, that felt good. I've wanted to do that since I was you and he told you to just shut up and die already. Is that how he treats you all the time? I would have kicked his butt centuries ago." Aziraphale was grinning. "What? Did I say something?"

"So I guess I'm your angel now, huh?"

"Damn straight." Crowley's eyes glanced to the side. Straight. Sure. 

Fallen Angels (Ineffable Husbands/Crowley and Aziraphale)Where stories live. Discover now