8. A Romantic Outing

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 "I don't understand what we're doing," Aziraphale said. "Where are we going?" The two of them sat together in Crowley's Bentley, driving meaninglessly.

"I can take you anywhere. Wherever you want to go. I just want to drive with you."

"I just don't get it. What's so special about driving?"

"Everything. The car. This Bentley ... it's my favorite place in the world. I wanted to share that with you. To just be in my Bentley with you." Crowley drove with one hand and took Aziraphale's hand with the other.

Aziraphale promptly freaked out and pushed Crowley's hand back at the wheel. "Two hands, 10 and 2."

"You're scared of my driving, aren't you?" Crowley smiled. "That's why you don't want to be here."

"You go too fast for me, Crowley," the angel said.

"Is this too fast?" he asked, distracting Aziraphale with a deep kiss that turned Aziraphale's face a bright red.

"Eye's on the road," Aziraphale said, but without conviction.

"You alright?" Crowley asked, afraid he had done something wrong.

"Yes, yes, of course," he said, rather flustered. "You're just ... very good at that."

The demon grinned. "Would you like to do that a little more?"

Aziraphale, both a little flustered and ashamed, meekly said, "Yes. Very much. I do think I would enjoy that immensely."

"I know where to take you." Crowley drove out of London and up to an apple orchard he knew, where you could drive up to the top of a hill and rest under a large apple tree. Rather reminiscent of where they had first met. The angel and the demon sat down underneath the apple tree, Crowley leaning against the trunk and Aziraphale leaning against Crowley, while the Bentley continued to play Queen softly in the background. Crowley was suddenly very aware of all the places where his body touched Aziraphale's—Aziraphale's head resting lightly on his shoulder, their thighs lightly touching, and Aziraphale's hand nestled perfectly in his own. Everything felt perfect.

This was normally the point when Crowley would freak out and run. He didn't deserve this beautiful angel, and Aziraphale didn't deserve to be stuck with some low-grade demon scum. There had to be tons of other angels out there just perfect for Aziraphale.

And then Aziraphale began to lightly hum and Crowley was snapped out of his self-deprecating thoughts. With the sun going down, the apple tree above them, and the lilting sound of Queen washing over the orchard, Crowley felt that for the first time in 6,000 years, he had everything just right.

"I love you, y'know," he said, staring off at the horizon. "Always have. Always will."



"I suppose that's quite a lovely thing to say," Aziraphale said cheerily.

"I mean it, too, y'know."

"I know." Aziraphale sighed. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Crowley smiled. "Since we don't need to eat or sleep, we really could." He perked up as he heard the first notes of Somebody to Love come from the Bentley. "Come on," he said, standing up and offering a hand to Aziraphale. "Would you like to dance?"

"Angel's don't dance," Aziraphale said stubbornly.

"When has that stopped you?" Crowley said with a devilish grin, and Aziraphale took his hand. The demon pulled the angel close and they swayed to the music together. Crowley liked being this close to the angel. He felt happiness like he hadn't felt in a good long while. He loved the feel of Aziraphale's arms over his shoulders, the feel of the angel's waist in his hands, the way their breathing matched up and how he could feel Aziraphale's heart beat in his chest. He smelled a little like cinnamon and old books.

"What are you thinking about?" Aziraphale asked softly.

"I'm thinking I want to kiss you."

"What's stopping you?"

Crowley grinned, and he stared deeply into the angel's eyes before finally leaning in to kiss him. They could have stayed that way forever, trapped in a gentle kiss. Aziraphale was the one who broke it off, burying his face in Crowley's shirt.

"What's wrong?" Crowley asked, thinking Aziraphale might have been crying, but it was quite the opposite.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking up at the demon. "I just can't stop smiling. I'm so happy right now."

"I can make you even happier," Crowley said.

"Oh, I don't think that's possi—"

The demon interrupted him by pushing him against the tree and kissing him, this time letting his hands roam, up Aziraphale's spine and through the angel's hair, simply grasping at any way to get closer to him.

"I love you," Aziraphale whispered, taking a breath before kissing the demon again. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He grasped at Crowley's shirt, pulling him closer. Crowley was practically emanating heat at this point. It was then that the rain decided to come, pouring down on the two of them.

Crowley laughed and they continued to kiss until they both were thoroughly drenched and Crowley noticed Aziraphale begin to shiver from the cold. They returned to Crowley's Bentley, where they miracled their clothes dry, and after he gave Aziraphale a quick peck on the cheek, he drove off, Aziraphale's hand in his.

Fallen Angels (Ineffable Husbands/Crowley and Aziraphale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora