14. Archangel Fucking Gabriel (Part Two)

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 People mingled as the sun went down, and a photographer took lots of flattering pictures of the newlyweds. Adam and his friends ran around playing some game or another, while the Young parents sat awkwardly at a table, trying to understand what they had just witnessed. Newt and Anathema were sitting at a table talking, Newt looking awkward as ever. The demons and the angels had both taken seats at separate tables, although one specific angel and demon found themselves at the bar, ordering alcohol.

"It's not true what they said, you know," Gabriel remarked to Daniel.

"Not even in the slightest?" Danny asked, taking the drink from Gabriel's hand, their hands touching for just a second, and taking a big swig of the champagne.

Gabriel's face turned red. "It is absolutely one hundred percent untrue," he said, his stature shrinking as Danny moved closer to him.

"Could it be true?" Danny asked quietly, turning on the charm. He slipped his hand in Gabriel's jacket and softly ran his fingers up Gabriel's side. "I mean, you're not fighting my advances."

"It is most certainly untrue," Gabriel said, frozen in place, very, very confused. Danny leaned in and kissed his neck. "I don't know what you're trying to do, Demon, but it's not working," he said, his statement lacking all authority.

"Oh, it worked," Daniel said, pleased with his accomplishment. Gabriel had a rather noticeable bulge in his pants now. "Poor guy, you'd think being an angel you could control that a little better. Ah, well. Now that we both know the truth, you leave Crowley and Aziraphale alone or this is no longer our little secret."

"What secret? There's no secrets here. You have nothing," Gabriel said worriedly.

"Oh, I could tell the whole world, that I, a demon, turn you on. Is that really what you want people thinking of when they hear the name Gabriel? I don't think your little angels would like that."

"You promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Just stay out of Crowley and Aziraphale's life," Danny said, shrugging.

"That's all? Done."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Danny said, turning to leave.

"Wait," Gabriel said. "It wouldn't be possible to share a few drinks sometime, without anyone knowing."

"Like a date?"

"With a demon? Ew. No. I mean, maybe. Not if your answer is no."

"You buying?"


"Then count me in. I'm not saying you're not a total dick, but damn if you ain't a snack! See you later, Archangel." He put special emphasis on the word. Danny walked away, leaving Gabriel standing by the bar alone and very sexually confused. 

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