Yes, there will be a third book.

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When? I don't know yet.

I already have it semi-planned out in my head. It's going to have lots of large-scale and small-scale action scenes. I just need to figure out the non-action parts. I'll work on it, I promise.

BUT I have other projects that need my attention too, on top of a full time job. I've put so much time and effort into this book and Magika, and I just need a break from the world so I can come back with fresh eyes and work on their flaws. This books felt rushed towards the end and because I was feeling burnt out and just wanted to get it done. I don't want to make that mistake with the third book. So I beg you all to bear with me while I do some soul searching.

I do want to get two pleasure projects started before winter, one SciFi, one Fantasy. So there's that.

If you guys are looking for things to read in the meantime, it would mean the world to me if you all checked out Necromancy In D Minor. It's another story I've been working really REALLY hard on, and I'm trying to get it finished and ready to enter the Wattys.

Or, you guys can't get enough Magika, there's Swordmaster too. It's a novella that takes place long before Magika and follows the story of Swordmaster Leandyr when he was just a bitter, dejected war hero. It's in the same world, has all the same magician and cape stuff. I think you guys will like it.

I want to close by thanking all of you for following along with the story, putting up with my late-night updates and terrible self-editing skills. It means a lot that you guys have been so supportive and understanding. So from the bottom of my heart: 

 So from the bottom of my heart: 

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~ Tempest.

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