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Madison woke up and groaned to herself. She had been feeling off for the past few weeks. She had been feeling off since she had slept with Alfie. Madison hated herself for what she had done and she felt as if she was the worst person after. Madison stood from her bed and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She walked over to her bag and grabbed the pregnancy test out of her bag and sighed. Madison was scared to take a test. She was scared to know the results. Madison knew that if she was pregnant that it was Alfie's baby. She knew that kat would kill her, physically hate her and that she would never forgive her and Madison was scared as she had lost kush and the last thing that she wanted to do was to loose her mum, not after everything they had been through

Madison stood in the bathroom and sighed as she took the pregnancy test out of the box. She looked to it and sighed. She followed the instructions and took the test. She placed the test on the side and groaned as she ran a hand through her hair. She looked to her phone as it rang off of the side. She picked it up and groaned as she saw Mia was calling her. She loved Mia but she knew she couldn't talk to her not in the moment and with he state that she was in. Madison declined the call and sighed as she picked the test up. She looked down at it and felt sick as she saw it was positive. She didn't know what to do especially when she knew that it was Alfie's baby and she didn't know what to do. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed feeling terrified.


Madison walked into he kitchen and saw kat and Alfie. She sat down and sighed to herself as she ran a hand through her hair. She felt sick as she looked to see just how happy that they were. Kat looked to Madison and frowned. She knew that there was something up with her daughter "Madison, are you okay" kat asked as Madison looked to her and smiled "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well" Madison said as she stood up. Kat looked after her and frowned. Alfie walked after her and followed her into her room "leave me alone" Madison said "you can't get act as if something is up your mum will get suspicious" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "not the only thing she'll get suspicious over" Madison spat as he looked to her and frowned "meaning" "meaning I'm pregnant and it's yours" Madison said as she stormed off


Mia walked through the back of the vic and wanted to see Madison who seems to be avoiding her. Mia frowned as she heard Madison who was arguing with Alfie "you need to get rid of the baby" "it's my body and it's my decision" Madison spat as Mia stood shocked. She couldn't believe Madison was pregnant "well ask yourself this how do you think your mum will react, you need to get rid of the baby or else" Alfie said as Mia walked into the room and cleared her throat as they both looked to her and paled "what the hell is going on here?" Mia asked

A daughter like her {Eastenders}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang