Twenty four

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Madison knew how close that she was to giving birth to her baby. She knew she was scared. But at the same time, she was excited to become a mum.

Madison and Kush had been building their relationship up. They were trying to make it work for the sake of the baby. She loved how Kush had stepped up and wanted to help her.

It wasn't easy at all. But they were doing all they could to make it work. She felt as though it was falling into place.

Madison knew having a baby had never been on the cards. But she didn't regret getting pregnant. Especially as she wanted to make something of her life.

Kush had been doing everything he could to make it work between him and Madison. He had been working as long as he could to earn money for their little family.

Each of them had their mum's. But it wasn't easy. And they wanted to give their baby the best.

All Madison knew was that her due date was getting closer. And she was worried about giving birth.

Morning came all too quickly. She was lying in bed with Kush. He ran a hand over her bump and smiled. "Not long now. How do you feel?" He asked.

"Scared. But I'm excited at the same time. I know that having this baby is going to change our lives. And I can't wait for it," Madison told him.

Kush smiled and kissed her. "Me either. I know it's not always been easy with us. But I'm glad we making it work. We both want to do what's best for the baby yeah?"

"Yeah. I love you."

"I love you too. I'm gonna go get you some breakfast. Need to keep your strength up," Kush said as he climbed out of bed.

Madison laid back down and sighed. She cuddled into the duvet. Part of her feeling like something bad was going to happen.

She just didn't know what though. She thought it was just her pregnancy hormones acting up.

Madison left the house and sighed. She saw Mia and walked over to her. "You know when you've got a bad feeling. But you don't want to seem like you're overreacting?" She asked.

Mia turned to her. "AlI the time. Why? What's up?"

"I don't know. That's the thing. I just don't know," Madison told her as she sighed. She sat down on the bench. "I can't help but feel like something is about to go wrong."

"With the baby?"

Madison shrugged. She felt a tear slip down her cheek. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Im pretending I'm okay. But I'm not," she sobbed.

Mia held her close and sighed. She smiled. "It's going to be okay. You're just experiencing the hormones. You're having A baby."

Kat saw Madison and walked over to her. She smiled. "Hey. You okay? Not long now."

"I know. I can't wait," Madison said. But she knew she was feeling so unwell.

Kat smiled. She knew her daughter. And she could see that there was something going on with her. She just had no idea how Madison was going to find herself struggling with her mental health.

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